Friday, November 13, 2009

Admin Notes - Changes to Right Fans coming!

After having discussed a wide variety of topics regarding how we can improve the content and feature functionality here, we are announcing some planned additions, changes, and scheduling specifics.

New (and newly covered classic) Franchises!

Coming in the immediate near future to our content library:

Babylon Five: A five-year epic story that has gone down in American sci-fi history as a trailblazer for how to tell a continuous (rather than episodic) story that people can and will follow. Stephanie S. will be handling recaps and ratings for B5 except when we hit feature-worthy episodes when we will still collaborate.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The critically acclaimed and much-studied seven-year adventure of Buffy Summers - a new breed of edgy, entertaining superhero and one of the first American fantasy series to tackle a number of controversial social issues head on. The first of three outstanding Joss Whedon productions - and we plan to eventually cover them all. I'll be covering this series.

V: ABC's new take on a classic sci-fi mini-series about an alien takeover executed without the need for military supremacy. The insidious nature of worship and devotion are explored as a resistance rises to spread the truth about our not-so-friendly visitors. Stephanie S. is in charge of the recaps and ratings here.

FlashForward: If you've been reading loyally, you know why we are both excited about FlashForward and will both be contributing to reviews of this instant ABC hit. If you're new to Right Fans, be advised that this canon has been added to our mission statement.

Changes in possession:

Both of us here have felt the pressure here to comment on franchises about which we have less interest. After much discussion, we have decided to go back to why we started this blog in the first place. It's supposed to be fun, and we intend to keep it that way! Starting immediately, we will begin dividing up the franchises to lighten the workload on both of us and to keep us reviewing things about which we have a passion.

SABR Matt's reviews:

I'll be covering Stargate SG-1, Atlantis and Universe exclusively. I'm more apt to enjoy action and adventure than my co-author and the Gates, while strong in their interpersonal dynamics, are, at core, action sci-fi. I'll also be handling Buffy the Vampire Slayer on my own. Any science fiction movies that catch my eye will also be reviewed by me.

Stephanie S's reviews:

My co-author will be tackling Babylon Five (a long time favorite of hers), Early Edition (we both enjoy this series but she has the DVDs and is far more passionate than I am about it. :) ), and V (the last two deal heavily with issues of faith and spirituality and these are her areas of expertise). Steph will also return some of her focus to her literary mission and begin commenting on classic science fiction as time permits.

Where we merge:

Both of us continue to be passionate followers of House, FlashForward and DS9 and will continue to share responsibilities here. Both of us have seen more or less all there is to see in each of these canons and will continue to comment as discussion emerges even in canons we're no longer reviewing. We will both also collaborate on reviews for episodes that we agree are feature-worthy in any fandom because, hey...even if we're not passionate about the entire fandom, we certainly enjoy commenting on the best episodes from that fandom.


We have made it our priority to ensure that this blog never goes dark for a full day unless there's an absolute emergency to which we both must attend. Since we're divvying up the fun more explicitly now, we're also taking the time to lay down a more rigid schedule for updates. The current thinking on review schedules - should this change, we will correct it here:

Sundays: Stargate Universe (Matt) / Early Edition (Steph)
Mondays: V (Steph)
Tuesdays: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Matt) / Babylon 5 (Steph - only on weeks where she is on tap to review House)
Wednesday: House (Both of Us) / Babylon 5 (Steph - only on weeks where House is not on or I am on tap to review it)
Thursday: DS9 (Both of Us)
Friday: Stargate SG-1 (Matt)
Saturday: FlashForward (Both of Us)

When the new material goes on hiatus, we'll focus more on movies, books, the classic canons and random political commentary as we see fit to fill up our time, but it's worth noting that at least one major new show - Caprica - will be playing during Sy Fy's famous offset schedule (January-March and July-September, typically), so there will be new material most of the year.

The Three Day Guarantee:

We are hoping to stay very timely in our reviews of current media. In the future, all new television will be reviewed within three days of its airing date barring some personal crisis. The one exception to this rule will be V - due to work scheduling problems, Stephanie S. cannot view the new episodes until they appear on the web on Saturday, so her reviews will likely be posted on Sundays or Monday Nights.

Site Upgrades:

I will soon be adding a comprehensive ratings overview post which will be linked at the top of this forum at all times and continuously updated. Readers will soon be able to browse the ratings for anything we've covered, organized chronologically by subject matter, and click the link to the review to read what we had to say. This will replace our simple temporary "Featured Articles" sidebar item (if we kept that format, that list would eventually get so long it would become unsearchable!)...our blog mission statement, this update (and any future administrative updates) and the ratings and link list will be the only articles linked from the main page.

I hope we will all benefit from the upcoming changes to our presentation here.

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