Friday, November 20, 2009

Classics: SG1 2:5 - Need

Overall Rating: 9.0

This episode would be ordinary, solid Gate fare if not for a *spectacular* acting performance by Michael Shanks that blows away any of his previous work and an important message about the strength of Daniel’s relationship with Colonel O’Neill.

More below the cut

Plot Synopsis:

On a scouting mission to P3R-636, SG-1 spies a group of Jaffa sending Naquadah (a very important resource that SG teams are desperate to acquire as a power source) through the gate. The planet is obviously being worked as a mine and their hopes rise that perhaps they can collect some ore. While scouting from the forest, Daniel catches sight of a young woman moving toward a steep embankment nearby. When Teal’c opines that it looks like she may jump, Daniel sprints out (much to Jack’s consternation) and leaps on her, saving her life. Unfortunately, Jaffa choose this moment to show up and surround SG-1, and Daniel’s heroic gesture is seen as an assault. The planet’s ruler – named Pyrus (the Godslayer!) is informed that his daughter Shyla (the women Daniel rescued) was attacked by this group of interlopers, and he orders them shipped off to the mines to work as slave laborers despite their protestations of peaceful intentions.

After a short time in the mines, Jack decides this sucks too much to put up with, and he leads the team in an escape attempt that nearly succeeds until Daniel is crushed in a cave in. The rest of SG-1 stops to try to free him and are recaptured. Daniel is hauled off to the pyramid by Jaffa and placed in a Sarcophagus to heal by Shyla. When he comes to, she confesses that she saved him because she believes he is her romantic destiny. At first, Daniel uses this as an opportunity to understand this planet’s leadership (Pyrus and Shyla) better in the hopes of gaining SG-1’s freedom. Reluctantly, he agrees to sleep in the Sarcophagus to win Shyla’s trust. Things start going horribly awry, however, when after several days of this, Daniel starts to lose his objectivity and become distant and aggressive. He visits SG-1 in the mines and urges them to be patient (much to Jack’s displeasure), and upon seeing him in his newly confrontational mood, Carter recalls something from the memories of Jolinar – the Tok’ra don’t use the Sarcophagus. She says they believe the device takes something from the user.

As time wears on, Daniel becomes less and less diplomatic and eventually, lies to Shyla to gain the release of SG-1. He promises to return and marry her, saying he loves what the Sarcophagus has done for his mind, but tells Jack that he has no intention of returning. They gratefully bug out and report on the situation to General Hammond. Jackson, however, fails his physical when Dr. Fraiser finds that his hormones are insanely unbalanced. They realize that the Sarcophagus has had a narcotic-like impact on his mind and body and quarantine him for detox (over his wishes to return to P3R-636). The worst of the physical withdrawal symptoms seem to have passed as his hormone levels return to normal, but he escapes the infirmary, steals an SF’s gun and disappears into a darkened storage room. Jack pursues, begging Daniel to trust them. Daniel fires blindly at Jack (thankfully missing him) and then aims his weapon at Jack’s head, protesting that he’s killing him. Jack chooses to confess that he knows what it’s like to be addicted to something and have to come clean. There’s a tense stare-down before Daniel collapses in agony and Jack disarms him.

After a few more days to clear his head, Daniel again insists that they return to P3R-636, but this time, not to study the Sarcophagus, but destroy it. He feels he owes that to Shyla. They reluctantly agree to return and Daniel explains the hurtful nature of the device. She trusts him enough to allow him to destroy it, and he promises to help her through the withdrawal. Though he obviously can’t marry her, she seems to accept the new arrangement.

SABR Matt’s Ratings:

Writing: 7.5

This show almost didn’t qualify for feature status. Almost. And the problem with it is the lack of sparkling dialogue. Normally, we rave about a show if it does well in all three of the major categories – writing, acting, and theme/message, but this episode is a sentimental exception. The writers still produced a solid script from the thematic standpoint, and we’ll discuss that more shortly, but thus far, Stargate (as a franchise) has failed to display the same kind of mastery of the written and spoken word that DS9, House, FlashForward or Buffy the Vampire Slayer possess. The lines just don’t POP the way I’d want them to in the typical feature, and consequently, the highlights will be shorter than average.

Acting: 10.0 with a BULLET

And the Emmy goes to…Michael Shanks! And I do not say that intending to be funny. It’s a shame the academy doesn’t take sci-fi seriously, because this show is a CLINIC for how that award should be won. I can’t recall ever seeing the same kind of commitment to the role from Daniel in any other Stargate episode with maybe two exceptions (the death of Sha’re, and the one with Daniel’s dream about destroying Earth). Whether it be his skin-crawlingly accurate depiction of Goa’uld madness that follows his overuse of the Sarcophagus, his emotional response to Jack in the thrilling climax or his touching final scene with Shyla, there isn’t a wrongly-placed note in the song. One actor can overwhelm a show, and that’s the case here. Shyla isn’t particularly well-portrayed, but when you watch the episode, you won’t care much.

Message: 9.5

Anyone who knows anyone who has had to recover from drug addiction should be very pleased with the sensitive and yet accurate portrayal of the process of getting hooked, getting help and getting clean that this storyline mimics. On that score alone, this episode would rate a perfect 10…if it weren’t for the concern I have as to this episode’s implications for the Goa’uld themselves. It seems the writers were trying to EXPLAIN their evil as a physiological response to the Sarcophagus. I prefer the interpretation expressed in later episodes that the Goa’uld, being inherently parasitical, didn’t start off with the best of motives and were firmly and finally corrupted by acquiring too much knowledge and power too fast. So I have to cut back on the enthusiasm a tad.

Stephanie S.’s Ratings:

Writing: 8.0

I have to give this episode a slightly higher writing score than did my co-author above. While much of Shyla’s dialogue is pretty hokey – her rhapsodizing on the beauty of trees induces a fair amount of eye rolling, for example - Daniel’s transformation is so effectively conveyed that, in the end, forgiveness comes easily.

Does this episode leave behind any enduring images – the sorts of scenes that haunt you afterwards? Absolutely. As a certified angst junky, I, of course, love the climax in the storage room. Yes, that’s right – just go ahead and enroll me in Daniel Jackson Whumpers Anonymous, as I’m afraid I have a real weakness for Daniel’s tears. But beyond what every female fan remembers about this episode, I find I also can’t quite put aside that scene between Daniel and Jack in Shyla’s throne room, because no other scene reveals in such stark relief how the sarcophagus changes Daniel. There kneels Jack, filthy and fading, and Daniel doesn’t even register his friend’s suffering. It’s a genuinely chilling moment.

Acting: 9.5

I don’t feel as enthusiastic about the performances in this episode as does SABR Matt, but I do respect immensely what Michael Shanks does here, as I respect any actor who is willing to look absolutely awful on camera. There’s no Hollywood crying here, folks. Instead, we’re treated to some honest-to-God sloppy, hideous, if-Daniel-were-a-girl-his-mascara-would-be-running sobs. Good show!

Message: 9.5

I don’t know that the writers intend to explain the evil of the Goa’uld as purely physiological. I believe Sam says that the sarcophagus may be part of what makes the Goa’uld as bad as they are. And given what the sarcophagus is – a machine that extends lives for many centuries at the least – I’m actually quite comfortable with the proposition that the sarcophagus contributes to the corruption of the Goa’uld, as the criticism of the human quest for immortality and perfection through technology – as opposed to God – has a long and distinguished pedigree in the history of Western culture.


JACK: (in response to Daniel wandering off without consulting him to follow a woman into the forest) I wish he’d stop doing that! (LOL)

JAFFA: On your knees!
JACK: Ah, no, actually I’ve got this cartilage problem…old war injury…(the Jaffa whacks him in the back of the knee with his staff)…Ah!! Yeah…that helps.

CARTER: Lately, I…I get this weird feeling when I'm near Teal'c.
JACK: Hey, who doesn’t? (LOL! Smartass)

JACK: (to Daniel after his apparent death and trip through the sarcophagus) Well. It's surprisingly difficult to kill you, isn't it?
TEAL’C: We are pleased to see you, Daniel Jackson.
CARTER: What happened?
DANIEL: Uh, Sam was right. Pyrus isn’t a Goa’uld.
JACK: What’s with the dress?
DANIEL: Uh, they’re royal robes. (Jack looks a little peeved) OK, long story short. They have a sarcophagus. Um…the princess put me in it and saved my life because she has a…um…crush on me.
CARTER: A crush?
DANIEL: Actually, she thinks I’m her destiny…the whole saving her life thing. I guess she was grateful after all.
JACK: Well good job! Now how about getting these goons to unlock us and get us the heck out of here?
DANIEL: Uh, yeah…not yet?
JACK: Excuse me?
DANIEL: Well…it’s kind of a sensitive situation. Pyrus hasn’t exactly agreed to let you go yet. But I’m working on it…I’m trying to gain his trust. Yeah, I know…this is…
JACK: Weird?
DANIEL: Look, I just wanted to let you guys know I was OK. And I will talk to Pyrus tonight at dinner.
CARTER: You get dinner?
DANIEL: Some royal feast in my honor…
JACK: A feast?? There’s a feast??
DANIEL: Just trust me, OK? I just need more time.
JACK: Glad you’re OK, Daniel.

JACK: What the hell is going on?!
CARTER: It’s been days since we heard from you!
DANIEL: Oh, yeah yeah yeah yeah. Oh sorry. Um, yeah, I’m still working on getting you guys out. Oh in the meantime I’ve discovered something incredible.
JACK: You do know we’re dying down here, don’t you?
DANIEL: (doesn’t even seem to notice) I’ve taken the opportunity to do a little research on the sarcophagus. It’s amazing what it does to you if use it when you are already healthy.
CARTER: Whooooaa…are you sure that’s a good idea?
DANIEL: Well I can’t get Shyla to trust me if I don’t show her I trust her.
JACK: Oh…Shyla is it? First name basis now? Shyla?
DANIEL: And I’ve used it before without any side effects. Besides – look! No glasses!
CARTER: That looks like a side effect to me, Daniel.
JACK: Daniel, get us out of here! That’s your priority.
DANIEL: Oh, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I’m working on it. I just need a little more time. Oh, I sent General Hammond another message. Hopefully he won’t order an all out attack. Look, if we do this right we’ll have access to all the naquadah and the sarcophagus.
CARTER: How many times have you used it, Daniel?
DANIEL: I don’t know…nine or ten? Oh, Sam, everything is so clear! I feel like I could do anything!
JACK: One thing. You only have to do one thing! And if you can’t handle that we’re gonna break out of here without you.
DANIEL: She wants me to marry her…(wistfully)
JACK: What?? (Daniel doesn’t seem to realize how angry Jack is…Jack continues) Alright, look…
DANIEL: No, you look, Jack!! I have got everything under control, okay? God, you never show me any respect! Your way didn't work. Now I'm handling it. All you guys have to do is hang in there!

JACK: The man who would be king. (Jaffa guards whack him with a staff) AHHG!!
DANIEL: Hi Jack! Ha ha…hi Jack! (oblivious to Jack’s desperate condition or his kneeling posture, Daniel dismisses the Jaffa and smiles brightly at Jack)
JACK: (coughing) We’re losing the battle down there you know. Carter has started having Goa’uld flashbacks. Says if you keep using the sarcophagus, you’re going dark side on us…if you haven’t already.
DANIEL: Well don’t worry a bit! We’re getting out of here tomorrow.
JACK: What?
DANIEL: I agreed to marry her.
JACK: You did what?
DANIEL: But…(Daniel leaps in front of Jack and hefts him onto his feet rather unwillingly)…I said I had to go back to Earth to straighten out a few things first. Obviously I have no intention of returning.

DANIEL: This is stupid (obviously edgy as he sits through post-mission physical examinations)
CARTER: Dr. Fraiser says your systems are all out of whack.
DANIEL: Well I feel fine! God, I need to get out of here or I’m gonna go nuts.
(slightly later, Carter is testing the Naquadah for purity and Daniel is pacing like a junkie awaiting his next fix)
CARTER: You’re gonna wear a hole in the floor.
DANIEL: I can’t get her out of my head, Sam. I think I’ve made a big mistake.
CARTER: You can’t be serious…
CARTER: You have a wife!
DANIEL: Had! Had a wife! Come on, seriously. How long am I supposed to wait? Even if I find Sha're one day, what are the chances she’ll ever be the same again?
CARTER: Look, your endorphin level was through the roof when we came back. And now you’re coming down off of it. The effects of the sarcophagus are like a narcotic Daniel.
DANIEL: Yeah, that makes you smarter, stronger, you live for hundreds of years, feel great. What the hell is so wrong with it?
CARTER: I think it’s partly what makes the Goa’uld as bad as they are.
CARTER: Who knows? It’s Goa’uld technology Daniel. Maybe its healing affects alter your brain chemistry. Increased adrenaline, the hormones that make you more aggressive and irrational. Pyrus probably used to be a decent man. Look at yourself. It’s like you need a fix. You’ve only used it a few times and already it’s changed you.
DANIEL: We can’t just leave it there.
CARTER: Well we can’t go back, either.
DANIEL: Well, I’m going.
CARTER: She used it to get you addicted! (Daniel rages at Sam, thrashing her desk)
DANIEL: You’ve never really known what love is, have you?
CARTER: See, the Daniel I know would never have said that. (Daniel flies into rage again, flips a chair and throws papers and bottles around before storming out.)

JACK: (after being shot at by Daniel) Aahhh! Geez, Daniel! Are you trying to kill me?
DANIEL: You’re trying to kill me!
JACK: There’ll be guards here in thirty seconds!
DANIEL: I’m going back!
JACK: You don’t have to! Fraiser says you’re getting better.
DANIEL: You’re lying!!
JACK: Why would I do that?! (Daniel attacks from the shadows and overpowers Jack, eventually taking aim on his head with the gun) Daniel! God…What are you going to do, Daniel? Do you want to kill me? Oh God, look at you. I know what this is. I know what it's like. You can get through it…
DANIEL: No! God!! Aaarrgh!! (the agony and sorrow overwhelm him and he collapses – sobbing uncontrollably as Jack disarms him and they embrace)

SHYLA: I did not believe you would return.
DANIEL: I’m sorry…about your father…about everything.
SHYLA: The sarcophagus couldn’t help him any longer. (she looks Daniel in the eye for the first time with fear) You never really loved me, did you?
DANIEL: I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care.
SHYLA: I don’t deserve to live after what I did to you.
DANIEL: Yes you do. Your people need you. You may still be able to lead them without turning into what your father became.
DANIEL: You can’t use this anymore. It’s going to be bad…trust me. But you don’t have to do this alone. (Daniel holds her hand for a moment…then she reaches for a staff weapon, opens the sarcophagus chamber, takes aim and fires. She and Daniel hug – she looks terrified)

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