Saturday, December 5, 2009

Admin Notes - A Few Schedule Changes

Because a few of our new fandoms are entering extended hiatuses, we have decided to shuffle our schedule slightly. The following is the new schedule for posting throughout the week:

  • Sunday - Early Edition (Stephanie S.)/Stargate Universe (SABR Matt when it returns)
  • Monday - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (SABR Matt)/V 2009 (Stephanie S. when it returns)
  • Tuesday - Babylon 5 (Stephanie S.)
  • Wednesday - House (ALTERNATE)/Lit Reviews (Stephanie S., especially when House is not on)/Movie Reviews (TBD)
  • Thursday - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (ALTERNATE)
  • Friday - Stargate SG-1 (SABR Matt)
  • Saturday - Movie Reviews (TBD)/Lit Reviews (Stephanie S. when nothing else is on tap)/Caprica (Stephanie S. starting in January)/FlashForward (ALTERNATE when it returns)
This schedule should ensure that, barring emergencies and the occasional vacation, something will go up on this blog every day.

Thus ends tonight's public service announcement. ;)

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