Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Classics: B5 1:3 - Born to the Purple

Plot Synopsis:

Londo & Adira: Sinclair is having a tough time keeping a particular Centauri ambassador in line. Negotiations over the disputed Euphrates Sector are under way, but Londo would much rather spend his time in the arms of an exotic dancer by the name of Adira Tyree. Indeed, we can see from the start that Londo has developed quite an attachment to the young lady. Londo showers Adira with gifts and encomiums to her beauty and grace, and Adira seems quite touched by Londo's rather Harlequin-style expressions of affection.

There is, however, a complication: Adira is a slave, contracted to an individual by the name of Trakis who has an interest in bringing down the Centauri Republic. To that end, he orders Adira to retrieve from Londo the ambassador's "purple files," which allegedly contain dirt on several of the Centauri noble houses. Reluctantly, Adira obeys her master. After a date at Babylon 5's finest restaurant, Adira drugs Londo, uses a mind probe to retrieve his password, and copies his purple to a data crystal. But before she meets up with Trakis again, she has second thoughts and flees, seeking refuge with a fellow dancer.

In the meantime, Londo wakes up with a wicked hangover and discovers that his purple files have been accessed. He sends an eager Vir to deal with G'Kar at the Euphrates negotiations while he tries to find Adira. At Adira's quarters, Londo is intercepted by Trakis, who informs Londo that Adira is a Narn agent and a slave. "She's used you," Trakis says to a devastated Londo. Londo, although upset, is not ready to give up hope, however. When an irritated Sinclair tracks him down and demands that he appear at the Euphrates negotiations post haste, Londo begs Sinclair to help him find Adira and retrieve the files that were stolen. Sinclair agrees on the condition that Londo cooperate with the negotiations.

Together, Sinclair and Londo head to the Dark Star, where Sinclair surprises Londo by ably handling the proprietor and gaining access to the dancers. Here, they discover Adira's possible hiding place. Unfortunately, Trakis is also listening in through a bug he planted on Londo's shoulder in an earlier scene, and he sends his own thugs down to Brown Sector to distract Londo and Sinclair and grab Adira first. All seems lost - but then Sinclair comes up with a plan B. He sets up a meeting between Trakis and G'Kar on the pretense of helping G'Kar gain leverage, but he sends Talia along to scan Trakis' surface thoughts. Talia tricks Trakis into thinking about Adira's location and tells Sinclair where she is being held. Trakis tries to flee, but Londo knocks him unconscious and grabs the data crystal containing his purple files.

In the end, Sinclair convinces Trakis to void Adira's contract - she is free. Londo, who seems to harbor no hard feelings, informs Adira of her emancipation and begs her to stay. Adira, however, declines, claiming that staying would be too painful. Londo then gives her his family broach as a gift and asks her to return to him one day when she is ready.

Ivanova: Meanwhile, Garibaldi discovers during a routine security check that someone has illegally accessed a high priority communications channel. When, after several aborted attempts, he is finally able to trace the call, he witnesses Ivanova having one last conversation with her father before her father dies.

Overall: 6.7 - I'm rather fond of this one, but it is not earth-shattering when examined with an objective eye.

Writing: 7.5

Okay, I admit - I'm probably going a little easy on this episode. I'll grant that the dialogue is far from subtle - an ever-present failure in this particular series - but I love it anyway because, however clumsy it might be, it is still very revealing. When Londo waxes operatic (with a capital O) about the emptiness and futility of his life, one spies in the far distance the ends to which Londo's inability to pry himself from his belief in godless fate will take him. It is very poignant - especially in retrospect.

Here, we see Londo at his most likable - his most unabashedly and foolishly romantic. And that makes this rather corny outing one more important step in the creator's overall mission to get us invested in Londo as a character - and one of the several episodes that make up my collection of guilty pleasures.

(By the way, this episode also receives points for the very nice scene between Ivanova and her father. Would that all children could reconcile with their parents in just such a manner!)

Acting: 7.5

Fabiana Udenio is sweet as Adira - definitely in the high-middle of the pack when it comes to Babylon 5's guest stars. And I will always greatly respect Peter Jurasik's ability to take grandiloquent prose and invest it with credibility; as I say in the highlights below, a lesser actor would've completely botched all of Londo's more purple moments. Moreover, Claudia Christian does a fantastic job with her one important scene; those final moments between Ivanova and her father are genuinely moving.

On the other hand, Stephen Furst is still being directed a little too broadly - and, oddly enough, the late Andreas Katsulas is stiffer than usual in a few scenes, most notably the first at the negotiating table.

Message: 5

The strength of this episode lies in its characterization (as described above), not in its presentation of a coherent theme. I suppose you could claim that this episode's main plot and subplot both explore the ways in which genuine love inspires you to accept your loved ones for who they are and forgive them for their failings - but that's something of a stretch.


LONDO: Gentlemen - of all things in life, are females not the finest?
G'KAR: On that, Mollari, we can at least agree. (I like this bit because it shows the potential they have to be friends.)

(A man hits on Ko D'ath and gets thrown into a nearby table for his trouble.)
KO D'ATH: Trash!
G'KAR: (clearing his throat, embarrassed) You must be fatigued from your long journey. Allow me to show you to your quarters.
(G'Kar makes a "whew!" sound and escorts Ko D'ath out of the Dark Star. Londo watches him go.)
LONDO: You know - sometimes, I almost feel sorry for G'Kar. (Hee! This too shows the potential.)

LONDO: Great Maker... for a moment there, I thought I was dead.
ADIRA: You seemed alive enough a few minutes ago.
(They kiss.)
LONDO: Ah, you make me alive, you fountain of passion!
ADIRA: It's the least I can do for the Republic, Ambassador.
LONDO: Ah, I see. Now, I hate it when you call me that.
ADIRA: I'm Centauri. Your title pleases me. Just as it does you.
LONDO: So it's my title you wanted all along, eh?
ADIRA: I want no more than I'm getting.
LONDO: And what is it that you're getting, Adira? A washed-up old republican dreaming of better days? (On the lips of any other actor, this dialogue would sound lame. But on Peter Jurasik's lips, it works. Trust me.)

LONDO: (to Vir) What do you want, you moon-faced assassin of joy? (Other B5 fans would have my head if I didn't put this one in here.)

TRAKIS: Do you know why a drunken fool like Mollari has the power he has? Because his family has been collecting dirt on all the other families for years - like all the noble houses of the great Centauri Republic. That's how they play the game, isn't it? Whispers in the dark. A knife in the back.
ADIRA: Not all Centauri play such games.
TRAKIS: Yes. And they wind up you - without family, prestige, or power. Slaves.

ADIRA: Should I order in some supper? You must be hungry.
LONDO: Famished. And after spending a day dealing with Ambassador G'Kar, I long to sink my teeth into something. (LOL!) But - why don't we go out?
ADIRA: You're not serious.
LONDO: Yes. I've already made the reservation at Fresh Air.
ADIRA: That's the finest restaurant on Babylon 5. What if we're seen together? What will people say?
LONDO: They'll say... they'll say, "Ambassador Mollari is a most fortunate man."
(He stands.)
LONDO: We Centauri live our lives for appearances. Position, status, title - these are the things by which we define ourselves. But when I look beneath the mask I am forced to wear, I see only emptiness. And then I think of you, and I say: "To hell with appearances." (Awww. Admit it - you think this is sweet. Maudlin, but sweet.)

(Londo's door chimes repeatedly.)
LONDO: (waking up from his drug-induced sleep) Assassin! Villain! Stop that infernal bleeping! Enter! Oh, my head...
(Vir enters and claps loudly.)
VIR: (excessively eager) Ambassador - you ordered me to rouse you for the negotiations!
LONDO: Quietly though, Vir. Quietly. My brain feels like it has been sucked out through my ear. (LOL!)

LONDO: Sinclair, I beseech you - help me.
SINCLAIR: What are you talking about?
LONDO: Adira. She has stolen something from me. Something that could shake the very foundation of the Centauri Republic - and cost me my career.
SINCLAIR: Have you reported this to security?
LONDO: No, I can't. If it becomes official, my government is certain to hear of it. This calls for the highest discretion. And Sinclair, only you, my good and dear friend, can help me.
SINCLAIR: If I do... will you agree to my compromise on the Euphrates treaty?
(Londo sighs, beaten.)
LONDO: I'll even seal it with a kiss.
SINCLAIR: That should make G'Kar's day. (LOL!)

LONDO: My good fellow... we don't wish to cause any trouble...
OCK: Too late, numbo.
(The bouncer arrives and grabs them.)
LONDO: (to Sinclair) Well, do something!
(Sinclair thinks for a moment - then starts to laugh. He pats the bouncer on the head and turns.)
SINCLAIR: Argo was right about you, Ock. You run things tough.
OCK: Argo Big Belly from Red Five? You know him?
SINCLAIR: Long enough to know you don't call him that to his face. Last one who did wound up an entree in the Alien Sector.
OCK: Yeah, Argo has a bad temper. So, what is it you want?
SINCLAIR: Well, we're looking to hire some dancers for a private show. Argo said you had the best, but...
OCK: He's right. Norg! Get the girls out here.
(Norg the bouncer goes to get the girls.)
OCK: Have yourself a good look. When you're done, we'll talk price.
(Londo and Sinclair follow Norg.)
LONDO: I'm stunned. How did you do that?
SINCLAIR: I like to know all there is to know about Babylon 5 - and Garibaldi's files are very thorough. (Ha! Sinclair really is pretty awesome if you give him a chance.)

IVANOVA: Father?
IVANOVA'S FATHER: Is that you, Susan?
IVANOVA'S FATHER: Oh, dear God, I never thought I'd see your face again. It makes this easier. (A beat.) Susan... I know I haven't been the best of fathers to you. But when your mother... passed on and your brother was killed in the war, I was too wrapped up in my own grief to pay attention to your needs. And when you joined Earthforce against my wishes...
IVANOVA: You don't have to say this, Father.
IVANOVA'S FATHER: Yes. Yes, I must. There's no more time. I want you to know... how proud I am of you, Susan. I always have been. But a father should give his daughter love as well as respect, and in that... I failed you. I'm sorry. I'm ashamed. Forgive me.
(We can see on Ivanova's face that she does.)
IVANOVA'S FATHER: Thank you, Dushenka moya.
IVANOVA: "Little soul." You haven't called me that since I was...
(Ivanova's father takes his last breath.)
(It's too late. He's gone. And this is a nice scene.)

(Londo punches Trakis.)
LONDO: That is for Adira. And this... (He kicks Trakis.) ... is for me. (Muah! I love it!)

ADIRA: I never wanted to hurt you.
LONDO: Adira... I am an old man. I have been in love many times, and I have been hurt many times. I'll survive. (A beat.) Adira... (He gives her her slavery contract. It is now void.) Commander Sinclair convinced Trakis to cancel your contract. He can be a frightening man, that one.
ADIRA: (overcome) Londo... thank you. Thank you.
(They hug. Then her flight is announced.)
ADIRA: That's my ship.
LONDO: Adira... you could stay. Now that we have seen beneath our masks, we could have great times together if we...
ADIRA: Londo, you're sweet - but the wounds are too fresh.
LONDO: Alright... then take this... (He presents his broach.) ... and wear it proudly as a free woman. And some day... come back to me. (Awww. This is especially sad when you know in hindsight that this is the last time Londo will see Adira alive.)


  1. Ah yes...the fountain of passion bit that I ALWAYS make fun of...LOL I see you're still clinging to the old salt about this dialogue being good, not wretchedly overwrought. :)

  2. Actually, I believe I conceded that it WASN'T good (the words "corny" and "unsubtle" were used), but then remarked that I loved it anyway. That's rather different from saying the dialogue is good. :)

  3. Nevertheless...

    You MAKE me alive, you fountain of passion!! is guffaw-worthy and you still enjoy it. LOL

  4. The line sounds different when delivered with Londo's accent, I guess. :)
