Monday, December 21, 2009

Classics: BtVS 1:7 - Angel

Overall Rating: 8.7

A strong episode, but not for the reasons most in Buffy fandom would typically claim, if you want this reviewer's honest opinion (which you must if you're bothering to read this blog).

Plot Synopsis:

Tired of losing his best warriors to the slayer, The Master unleashes "the three" on Buffy. Caught in a fight she has little chance of winning, Buffy is rescued by Angel and the two escape to her house where Angel spends the night to avoid being attacked on his own. The sexual tension is thick, but Angel is a perfect gentleman and they get to sleep without too much incident. The next day, Giles identifies their assailants and warns Buffy that she may in danger if the Master is this annoyed with her efforts, though he believes, having failed in their mission, the lives of the three will be forfeit. When Buffy returns home, Angel is still there and she brings him dinner. After a few awkward moments, they can resist each other no longer and fall into a passionate kiss. Unfortunately, this brings out the demon in Angel, revealing in a rather painful way that he is in fact a vampire. Buffy screams in horror and Angel dives out of her room.

When the news hits the scoobies that Angel is a demon, Xander adamantly insists that Buffy must kill Angel (not that he's completely impartial, but at the time, Giles agrees with him and Buffy prepares for a fight with Angel by learning about his history. Meanwhile, The Master's right hand vamp, Darla, goes to Angel's mansion and tries to convince him that he belongs in The Master's court...that he is still a vampire and not "one of them"...Angel is unconvinced...his soul has been restored by a gypsy curse and he cannot live like a vampire. Darla then frames Angel by getting herself invited into Buffy's home and biting her mother, then handing her off to Angel just as Buffy arrives. Buffy, of course, assumes the worst and throws Angel out, telling him he's not welcome there and if she sees him again, she'll kill him.

Obviously tormented by the terrible things he's done in the past and by Buffy's rejection of him, he is nearly persuaded to kill Buffy in battle to stop the pain. After Angel reveals his true nature, including the story of the gypsy curse and his reinstated soul, she lays down her crossbow and dares him to do it, and he proves that he is on the side of good by refusing. Darla, however, intends on the slayer's demise. She busts out a pair of 9 mm hand guns and shoots up the Bronze trying to kill Buffy. Luckily, her aim is horrible and, when momentarily distracted by Willow and Xander, she is stabbed from behind by Angel (and dusted). After the fight, Angel tells Buffy that their romantic fascination can never go anywhere and that he needs to walk away from it before it gets out of hand and she agrees. They share a "last" kiss despite the emotional turmoil and Buffy is left hoping he'll reappear some day soon.

Writing: 9.5

I think the writing here is strong, primarily NOT because of the teenage romantic angst itself - if anything, that was a little cliche and developed too fast. We haven't spent much time with Buffy visibly crushing on Angel before this episode and suddenly they can't resist kissing each other? It seems the writers want to capitalize on Buffy's budding womanhood too quickly and haven't really earned this story yet. No, the writing is strong here because despite their angst, Buffy and Angel both show maturity in dealing with the realities of the problems facing their potential relationship, and because all of the characters are written very organically. The story is helped along by some very well written dialogue...even The Master - who I think is a particularly lame super-villain - and his sidekick Darla actually had good lines in this ep...Darla in particular delivers some delightfully evil and spine tingling's a shame she gets dusted so early in the show's history...she's almost as fun as Drusilla!

Acting: 9.5

And again...I really...really do not get the love fest in Buffy fandom for David Boreanez (Angel)...but in this particular episode, I do think he was very impressive - a performance far above his usual work. And Sarah Michelle Geller portrayed a rather cliche tortured love story with very unusual subtlety and skill as well. You do in fact feel the tension, the frustration, and the angst rather acutely. And not just with those two. Brendan Harris - whose name I will be calling a LOT in these reviews I suspect - conveys poor Xander's painful jealousy oh so well and Alyson Hannigan is adorable as always. Mark Metcalf (The Master) and Julie Benz (Darla) were on their game today as kudos to them. :)

Message: 7.0

The show would have received higher marks from me for its surprisingly mature and un-Hollywood-like restraint when it comes to the Buffy/Angel pairing in the early episodes...except the whole concept of Buffy...not fully woman enough yet to understand the responsibilities of a normal human relationship...getting perilously close to romance with a man far her senior who also happens to be a demon...worries me, even without knowledge of what is soon to come in this story arc. It is realistic and understandable that these kids, even at 16, would be fixated on their budding romantic desires, but the whole Buffy/Angel thing still feels somehow wrong to me. Others in Buffy fandom will surely feel a great desire to shoot me now, but I can only speak from the heart here. I just wish it was OK in our media for teens to be in love without it necessarily carrying mature themes that go far beyond what most 16 year olds should be dealing with.

That said, I do appreciate that Buffy, showing restraint beyond her years, recognizes that a relationship with Angel would be dangerous and that she is not ready for such heavy drama at this age. It comes across as a sweeter brand of teen romance tha your average Hollywood "Teen Flick." That changes all too rapidly in later episodes, and my resistance to those changes will be noted when we get there.


CORDELIA: Ouch! Please get your extreme oafishness off of my 200 dollar shoes before my date smacks you down?!
XANDER: Oh I noticed. He's a real prince, I see. (shot of some neanderthal-looking jock downing a drink) Sorry, I was just...
CORDELIA: Getting off the dance floor before you do any real damage?
XANDER: You know...I don't know what everyone's talking about. That outfit doesn't make you look like a hooker. Ha ha! (he walks over to Buffy and Willow) Boy, that Cordelia sure is a breath of vile air. So what are you two vixens up to?
WILLOW: Oh nothing much. Just watching our barren lives pass us by. Oh look, a cockroach. (she squishes it with an audible crunch...LOL)

JOYCE: Whoa, Buffy, what's wrong? (responding to Buffy pulling her inside forcefully)
BUFFY: There are a lot of weird people around at night. I just feel better with you safely inside. You look beat!
JOYCE: I am, actually, the gallery had...
BUFFY: Well then why don't you go lie down in bed and I can bring you some tea!
JOYCE: That's sweet. What did you do? (LOL)
BUFFY: Can't a daughter just be concerned about her mother's well being? (Angel emerges - shirtless and a little cut's out of the bag...LOL)
JOYCE: (glaring at Buffy) Hi.

XANDER: He spent the night? In your bed??
BUFFY: Not in my bed, my bed.
WILLOW: That's so romantic. Did you...did he...
BUFFY: Perfect gentleman.
XANDER: Buffy...wake up and smell the seduction! Come on, it's the oldest trick in the book!
BUFFY: What? Saving my life? Getting slashed in the ribs?
XANDER: Duh! Guys will do anything to impress a girl. I once drank an entire gallon of Gatorade without takin' a breath.
WILLOW: It was pretty impressive. Although later there was an ick factor. (ROTFL!!)

BUFFY: Cool! Crossbow! Goodbye stakes...hello flying fatality. What can I shoot?
GILES: Um...nothing. (Buffy rolls her eyes) You must first become proficient with the basic tools of combat. We'll start with the quarter staff. Which incidentally will take hours of training and study. I speak from experience.
BUFFY: Giles...hello...twentieth century! Not gonna be fighting friar tuck.
GILES: When you show mastery of the quarter staff, in due time, we can discuss the crossbow. Now...gear up.
BUFFY: Giles...I'm not gonna need pads to fight you.
GILES: We'll see about that. On guard! (Buffy promptly kicks his puny British butt in about 15 seconds and smiles innocently down at him while he struggles to catch his breath). Well...let's move on the crossbow. (BWAHAHAHA!!)

BUFFY: I brought you some dinner. It's a little plateless, sorry. (he accepts her gift a little bemusedly) So...what'd you do all day?
ANGEL: I read a little...thought about some things.
BUFFY: My diary? You read my diary?! Angel, that is NOT OK! A diary is like a person's inner sanctum. You had no right! And by the way, handsome can mean a bunch of could be an insult. And when I said someone's eyes are penetrating, I meant...bulging!
ANGEL: Look, Buffy...
BUFFY: (still ranting) And A might not even stand for's short for Ahmed! A charming, handsome foreign exchange student! So that whole part had nothing to do with you!
ANGEL: Mom moved your diary when she came in to clean. I watched her from the closet. I didn't read it, I swear.
BUFFY: Oh. (hee)

XANDER: OK, we have a problem here, and it's not a small one. Let's take a step back, a deep breath, and let's look at this rationally. Angel's a vampire. You're a slayer. I think it's obvious what you have to do here.
GILES: It is a slayer's duty.
XANDER: Look, I know you have feelings for this guy, but it's not like you're in love with him, right? (she doesn't answer, thereby answering) You're in love with a vampire? What are you, out of your mind?!
XANDER: Uh...not a umpire. Buffy, how could you love an umpire...everyone hates them!
CORDELIA: Where did you get that dress?! This is a one of a kind Diane Moss from Rodeo drive! Do you know how much it cost? Is that a knock-off? It's a cheap, trashy knock-off, isn't it?! This is exactly what happens when you sign free trade agreements!
BUFFY: And we think we have problems... (LOL!)

WILLOW: I have this fantasy that, one day, Xander's just gonna grab me and kiss me!
BUFFY: If you want Xander, you gotta speak up, girl!
WILLOW: No, no, speaking up. That way leads to madness and...sweaty palms. (awwwwwww....I wub Willow. :D )

XANDER: Ah, the post-fumigation party!
BUFFY: OK, so what's the difference between this and the pre-fumigation party?
XANDER: Much heartier cockroaches. (LOL!!)


  1. If you like Darla, you should watch Angel. Darla is resurrected on said spin-off and has a rather interesting story arc.

  2. Interesting...I did not know that. I have yet to catch up on the Angel spin-off...mostly because Angel himself does not interest me. LOL

    Given her place in the "Fangsome Foursome" it does not entirely surprise me though that they'd want to explore that character more.
