Overall Rating: 7.2
This was a great Buffy episode with one GIGANTIC annoying flaw that kept it from a much higher score. It's not all that often you'll see me give an episode a 7.5 and including a mocking lowlights section, but I can't let this flaw go by.
Plot Synopsis:
Buffy opens the show by killing a random vamp in a pumpkin patch (how Halloweeny!), but unbeknown to her, she is being watched. This vamp is bait and another of Spike's minions is filming her. We later see Spike viewing her fighting style and marveling at her resourcefulness and cunning. He and Drusilla are working on a way to take out the Slayer so they can rule Sunnydale. Unlike most vamps, they plan to be out in force on Halloween, especially since they can feel a dark magic presence in Sunnydale - a force for chaos that will aid in their plan. With the killing done, Buffy hurries off to the Bronze where she finds Angel being apparently friendly with Cordelia (though in reality, they were just talking and Cordy was trying unsuccessfully to seduce him away from Buffy), and wigs out.
The next day, Principle Snyder has found a new way to torment Buffy and the scooby gang. He orders them to "volunteer" to lead a safety patrol on Halloween as they go trick-or-treating with a gaggle of sugar-crazed monsters. Forced to change her plans from vegging at home to trick-or-treating with the kids, Buffy and her friends find themselves in need of costumes. Before they head off to the new costume shop in town, however, Xander gets himself into trouble by defending Buffy from a rather disgusting overture by a schoolyard thug named Lary and Buffy is forced to intervene, thus robbing poor Xander of his manhood. Also, Willow and Buffy conspire to steal Giles' Watcher Diaries to read up on Angel, who Buffy is suddenly all smoochy-smoochy with (*sigh*), and we learn that before he was turned, Angel's betrothed was a noblewoman of some repute and Buffy assumes that is Angel's type.
With all of this out of the way, the gang hits the costume shop - Ethan's - where a smooth-talking Brit sells them all on his costume selection. Xander chooses to be a soldier, Willow buys herself an outfit that is extremely revealing, thinking she can be brave on this one night and do something bold and "not like me!" Buffy sees a beautiful ballroom gown and gives in to the temptation to look nice for Angel. With costumes in hand, they head to Buffy's house to get ready for their evening. Buffy admires how she looks in her formal wear. Willow chickens out and dons a ghost sheet with the word BOO emblazoned on the front over her revealing attire. Just as their innocent night of trick-or-treating is about to come to an end, however, we see Ethan casting his spell, and everyone wearing one of his costumes turns into whatever they were dressed as. Buffy becomes a vacuous dilettante, Xander a hardened military veteran, Willow a ghost (as in...dead!) and hundreds of children become hell-raising demons, attacking the town en masse. Spike watches the whole thing unfold and is quite pleased. :)
Xander, taking charge of the situation, defends Buffy from the demons and Willow - the only Scooby to retain a memory of who everyone is - keeps Xander from shooting innocent children (in demon form, granted) and leads the group back to Buffy's house to take cover until they can figure things out. There, they find Angel and Cordelia - both unchanged (Angel because he's not wearing a costume, Cordelia in a sexy cat outfit (LOL - classic Cordelia choice) purchased from a different store. In time of crisis, Cordelia figures the safest place to be is with Buffy (go figure!) and Angel is looking to help out. Buffy doesn't remember any of them. She gets quite a shock when Angel has to fight some demons and shows off his vampire face! She runs out the back door and away from her only defender in fear.
Willow decides to head to the Library to consult with Giles and try to put a stop to this. When she arrive,s she passes right through the stacks and scares the crap out of poor Giles. When they put the pieces of the puzzle together and realize it's the costumes from Ethan's shop that are causing the problems, Giles recognizes the name and a very dark mood overcomes him. He heads to the shop and confronts the seemingly smooth Brit. As it turns out, the two know each other! Ethan worships chaos as Giles (a.k.a. "Ripper" !!) once did in his younger days! A deadly calm overtakes Giles and he beas Ethan to a bloody pulp until he confesses how to break the spell!
Meanwhile, Spike has overheard Angel talking to Xander - saying Buffy is out there somewhere and completely helpless - and he leads a troupe of temporary demons to find her before Xander and Angel do. Xander catches up with Angel just in time to stop a band of Pirates lead by his former nemesis Lary from taking advantage of Buffy. He finds uncharacteristic closure in pummeling Lary. :) Unfortunately, this side-tracking leaves them vulnerable to Spike, who corners them in an alley. He is about to drink from Buffy when Giles breaks the spell and the Slayer returns to kick his butt rather soundly. All of the demons having turned back into kids, Spike retreats and all is well. Even between Angel and Buffy - Angel lets Buffy know that he hated the women of his day...not nearly deep enough for him, he says (more on this later). When the Scoobies return to Ethan's the next morning, the place has been scoured and Ethan is gone, but he leaves a note informing Giles that he'll be back.
Writing: 7.5
Pros: The good news is that the plot is well put together and very entertaining with lots of nice moments for the non-Buffy cast members. Willow flirting with the idea of being bold and chickening out is adorable. Willow subsequently deciding it's not so good to be a ghost and stepping bravely out of her costume after she is "resurrected" was a nice touch as well. Xander getting emasculated by Buffy and then winning back his pride (all while standing up for what was right) was fantastic. Giles having a dark past catch up with him was a stroke of genius. I rather wish the show had done more with Ethan Rayne...only one other follow-up episode and that one will be a feature in a couple of weeks...is a bit of a disappointment given what they could have done with it. Lots of good little moments of dialogue as well, though more in the clever, humorous vein than the brilliant language-use sense.
Cons: Every word out of Buffy's mouth once converted to a "noblewoman" was absolute drivel. Some of the worst writing I've ever seen on Buffy occurs here. The decision to have Bufyf and Angel smashed together as a full-blown couple without any serious dramatic tension beforehand was extremely unfortunate. It not only makes me feel a complete lack of chemistry between them from here on out, but it cheapens the emotional burden Buffy will have to carry when Angel turns evil later in the season. They rushed to get them together in time for the big pay-off and I never bought in.
Acting: 8.5
Pros: Tony Head was phenomenal in this episode. A nice recovery from the seriously misguided performance he delivered in the previous episode to be sure. His dealings with Ethan Rayne were genuinely chilling and impressive. The look of calm that comes over him when he is dealing with his former bad-boy associate really draws you in - I'll never forget it. Rubin Sachs (Ethan) was fabulous as well. On the Scooby-side...Nicholas Brendon showed some nice range in this episode, going from awkward but noble geek to large-and-in-charge army stud to significantly-more-confident geek. :) And of course, Alyson Hannigan had many moments to shine in this one - her cuteness and innocence pierced even the slutty outfit she was wearing. LOL
Cons: Sarah Michelle Geller gives one of the worst performances I've ever seen by a star of a quality television series in this episode. Her noble accent was a complete farce, and the complete lack of credibility she lent to this alternative personality reduced the show from rollicking good time to frustratingly awkward. Her total lack of chemistry with David Boreanez may not be entirely her fault, as I have never liked his acting chops much, but she certainly didn't help her own cause this week in her Slayer-persona interactions with Angel.
Message: 5.5
Pros: We, as people are the sum of our life experiences, our actions, and our morality. We've tended to see Giles as a rather two-dimensional character - the perfect "stuffy good guy" father figure for the Slayer. His life was uncomplicated to the viewer until this episode. Here we see Giles forced to confront the distinctly foolish and downright evil things he did when he was young. It's not simply a "past catches up with you" plot. It's a reminder that time does not absolve you of past sins...only real repentance can do that (and Giles certainly has gone through that process and come out a better man...you can see the similarities between Ethan and Giles...and the very...very important differences in stark relief).
Cons: Does Joss Whedon (or any Hollywood writer guilty of formulating historical female characters in this completely juvenile and naive way) REALLY think women of privilege were so empty and frivolous? Does he really believe that this rendition of noble female life - thoguhtless, spoiled, defenseless and utterly weak - is an accurate picture? We need to stop rewriting history to serve a modern agenda. We need to stop imagining that women only gained intelligence and insight when they joined the modern feminist movement. It serves NO ONE'S benefit to mistreat history in this manner. Unless we take a more balanced view of previous events, we'll never get a clear picture of how best to advance the cause of feminism and make women happier, safer, and more respected in the coming years. To fallaciously claim that the only smart, strong woman is a woman liberated by either distance from the patriarchy or by modern feminists is to essentially make all women subservient to a different master. No longer ruled by men, today's woman is ruled by an elite group of thinking women who claim they know the only proper way to be empowered as a woman and freely ridicule other ideas lifted from our own history books. I find it, frankly, quite distasteful.
BUFFY: What's the deal?
XANDER: Oh, just a bunch of little kids need people to take them trick-or-treating. Sign up and get your own pack of little sugar-hyped runts for the evening.
BUFFY: Yikes! I think I'll stick to vampires.
SNYDER: Ms. Summers. Just the juvenile delinquent I've been looking for. Halloween must be a big night for you - tossing eggs, keying cars, bobbing for apples (LOL)...one pathetic cry for help after another. Well not this year. (guides her over to the volunteer table)
BUFFY: Gosh...I'd love to volunteer but (deadpan) I recently developed carpel tunnel syndrome and can tragically no longer hold a flashlight. (LOL)
XANDER: Those vampires...gotta love 'em. They always keeps ya guessin'!
(and later)
XANDER: Hey Lar...looking cro'mag as always. What can I do ya for?
LARY: You and that Buffy...just friends, right?
XANDER: I like to think of it less as a friendship and more as a solid foundation for future bliss.
LARY: So, she's not your girlfriend...
XANDER: Alas, no.
LARY: Think she'd go out with me?
XANDER: Well, Lar, I don't know...that's a tough question to - no. Not a chance.
LARY: Why not? I heard some guys say she's real fast!
XANDER: I hope you mean like the wind.
LARY: You know what I mean.
XANDER: Dude, that's my friend you're talking about.
LARY: Yeah, well what are you gonna do about it?
XANDER: I'm gonna do what any man in my position would do. (grabs Lary by the shirt) Somethin' damned manly! (Lary shakes him off and goes to knock him out, but Buffy stops him easily)
BUFFY: Get gone. Ooh! Diet!
XANDER: Buffy, do you know what you just did?
BUFFY: Saved a dollar?
XANDER: Buffy, Lary was about to pummel me!
BUFFY: Oh that? Forget about it!
XANDER: Oh I'll forget about it. In fifteen years, when my reputation for being a sissy man fades! (LOL...poor Xander)
BUFFY: Come out, Will! You can't hide in there forever.
WILLOW: Uh...OK...but...promise you won't laugh?
BUFFY: I promise! Come on! (Willow steps out gingerly in her super-sexy outfit) Wow...you're a dish! And I mean really! (Willow grabs for her ghost costume ad Buffy takes it away...twice...LOL)
WILLOW: Really? But...this just isn't me.
BUFFY: That's the whole point. Halloween is the night where not you...is you...only...not. You know? (doorbell rings) That's Xander. I can't wait for the guys to go nonverbal when they see you. (she leaves to get the door - Xander is indeed the ringer)
XANDER: Private Xander Harris, reporting for...Buffy! Lady Buffington, Dutchess of Buffonia I am in awe! I completely renounce spandex! (LOL)
(and a bit later)
BUFFY: Wait til you see (Willow appears, wearing her ghost costume...aw...she's so cute!)...Casper.
XANDER: Will. That's...a fine boo ya got there. (hee)
XANDER: OK, men. Tears are the key to squeezing extra candy from the locals. You can also try the old "you missed me" routine. It's risky, so only go there for chocolate. Understood? (LOL!!)
WILLOW: Cordelia!
CORDELIA: OK, what's going on?
WILLOW: OK, your name is Cordelia, you're a high school girl - not a cat, and we're your friends!
CORDELIA: That's nice, Willow. And you went mental when? (LOL)
SPIKE: Well...this is just...neat! (surveying the carnage - LOL!!)
XANDER (after pummeling the pirate version of Lary) It's strange, but...beating up that pirate gave me a weird sense of closure. (ROTFL!)
ETHAN: What...no hug? Aren't you glad to see your old mate, Ripper?
GILES: I'm just surprised I didn't guess it was you. This Halloween stunt stinks of Ethan Rayne.
ETHAN: Yes it does, doesn't it? Alright, it's a bit blunt, but it's genius! The very embodiment of be careful what you wish for.
GILES: It's sick...brutal...and it harms the innocent.
ETHAN: Oh and we all know that you are the champion of innocence and all things good, Ruppert. It's quite a little act you've got going here, old man.
GILES: It's no act. It's who I am.
ETHAN: Who you are? The watcher? Sniveling, tweed-clad guardian of the Slayer and her kin? I think not. I know who you are and what you're capable of, Ruppert. But they don't, do they? They have no idea where you come from.
GILES: Tell me how to break the spell...and then leave here and never come back.
ETHAN: Why should I? What's in it for me?
GILES: You get to live. (ooooh...nasty...)
ETHAN: Oh, Ruppert, you're scaring me...(and Giles proceeds to beat the living hell out of Ethan - awesome!)
WILLOW: She looks like some kind of noblewoman. Which means being pretty was sort of her job. (*sigh*)
BUFFY: This is who Angel hung around with?
WILLOW: No...she's not that pretty! She's got such a funny...waste! Look at it...it's so tiny!
BUFFY: Thank you. Now I feel better.
WILLOW: No, I mean...she's a freak! She's a circus freak!
BUFFY: It must have been wonderful. To put on some fantabulous gown, go to a ball like a real princess, have servants and horses and yet more gowns...
WILLOW: Yeah, but I think I'd rather be able to vote, well...you know...when I can. (*headdesk* Yeah...because the sexual dynamic back then was that simple)
WILLOW: Oh this is fun. What year is it?
BUFFY: 1775, I believe. Who are you people? Your dress, this village...everything is strange. How did I come to be here?
WILLOW: Buffy, breathe! Just breathe or you're gonna faint again!
XANDER: What's going on here? (a demon attacks Buffy, provoking a girlish scream...Xander bludgeons it with the butt of his gun) I suggest we get inside before more...
BUFFY: A demon! A demon!! (a car drives past)
WILLOW: Buffy, it's not a demon. It's a car!
BUFFY: What does it want? (seriously, guys? OK, even if you've never seen a car, there's no way you would assume it was a demon...come ON now...)
BUFFY: This could be me.
WILLOW: It is you! Buffy, can't you remember any of it?
BUFFY: No! I would never wear this...that...low apparel! This common home! I don't like this place and I don't like you and I just want to go home! (wow...just wow)
WILLOW: I'm going to go find Giles. You guys stay here and keep quiet. If something tries to get in here, just...fight 'em off!
BUFFY: It's not our place to fight. Surely some men will protect us? (*headSLAMdesk*)
XANDER: Whoa...she must be right. We must have some kind of amnesia.
BUFFY: I don't know what that is, but I'm certain I don't have it. I bathe quite often. (if it weren't so ridiculous, it would be funny)
XANDER: Well how do you explain this?
BUFFY: I don't! I wasn't meant to understand things. I was meant to look pretty and then some day a nice man would marry me - possibly a baron. (oh the humanity!)
XANDER: Look, lady, this ain't no tea party. Those things out there mean business. Sooner or later, you're gonna have to fight.
BUFFY: Fight those low creatures? I'd sooner die! (LOL...it just gets worse and worse)
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