Thursday, July 8, 2010

Classics: DS9 4:1 - The Way of the Warrior

Overall Rating: 7.8 (Qa'plagh!)

Usually when shows decide to reach into their past and pluck a character from a previous spin-off to help boost ratings and attract old fans back, it's a really...really bad sign. But the addition of Lt. Commander Worf to this cast is going to wind up paying big dividends to the cultural variety and overall flavor of the show and - in the here and now - actually makes for a pretty darned good season opener because his addition is done in a way that makes sense for the ongoing story with the Dominion. It does not feel forced in the least...well except for his intro moment when the camera does the slow pan up his body with strains of the TNG theme song woven into the dramatic-reveal music. :)

Plot Synopsis:

A full summary may be found here, courtesy of the DS9 Encyclopedia (although, you may want to have a good pop-up blocker installed before viewing...there is nothing harmful here...just mildly irritating)

Writing: 8.0

The script doesn't exactly crackle with intense concentrated awesomeness (the dialogue is pretty run of the mill for an action-based two-hour season opener and they aren't going out of their way to impress us with their command of language), but it is functionally more than solid and plot is certainly engaging. There's nothing wrong with moving the plot forward aggressively and snappily when you need to get a lot of new realities established in 90 minutes. There are, however, plenty of moments of squee...especially between Garak and Dukat. :)

A small technical note - this episode features the final space battle in Star Trek history ever recorded using real ship models and real pyrotechnics. The only CGI in the confrontation with the Klingons comes from the weapons fire itself...the moving parts on DS9 were all built into the 9-foot-wide station model by hand and the Klingon ships were real scale models. You'll never see that again on Trek...this helps explain why there are at least 10 very low-budget episodes in the 4th season (this battle cost the team way too much money), and why all future battles, many of which require literally HUNDREDS of ships of all different types, were done in CGI. They wanted to tell a much bigger set of stories than anything TNG had attempted and they really had no choice but to get with the modern age.

Acting: 8.0

This is where DS9 stands head and shoulders above TNG. The guest cast is fantastic almost without exception. Marc Alaimo (Dukat), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Robert O'Reilly (Gowron), J.G. Hertzler (Martok, who we will have a huge love fest for in later seasons...LOL)...that's a stellar group on the whole. I've never been a big fan of Penny Johnson (Kassidy Yates)...I always thought that Kassidy and Ben Sisko were among the weakest pairings in the franchise from the standpoint of on-screen chemistry despite the fun way in which that couple is written. Other than that, I really have no complaints about the guests or the regulars. Michael Dorn is a welcome addition to the regular cast...he was one of the better actors in his previous Trek franchise and he still compares favorably to the DS9 cast.

Message: 7.5

I love that Sisko is totally willing to tell Starfleet Command to go screw itself when the situation warrants it. Here we have another very important example of a bad use of the Prime Directive to avoid taking any responsibility for our situation, what with Federation security possibly at stake, should the Klingons decide to go rogue again, but the powers that be want to let them be because their attack is an internal decision and we're not directly involved? I understand that we were in a delicate position not wanting to directly anger the Klingons by making an official statement or sending ships to stop them...but you can't sit by and do nothing when an atrocity is about to be committed. No, do not let a race get obliterated in an unprovoked attack...even if that race is the Cardassians. Sisko continues pulling just the right strings and keeping the Alpha Quadrant strong enough to resist the Dominion, and for that, this episode gets some mad props.


DAX: Oh, there you are. We've been looking all over for you. Malko here just gave me the most amazing massage, and I'm sure if you ask nicely he'll do the same for you.
KIRA: No, thanks.
DAX: Why?
KIRA: Because Malko's not real. He's a puppet made out of holographic light and replicated matter.
DAX: Boys, can you wait outside?
KIRA: Are you afraid I hurt their feelings?
DAX: You really should try to get into the spirit of things. People come from all over Trill to visit the Hoobishan Baths.
KIRA: And if I'm ever on Trill I'll visit them too. But we're not on Trill and this isn't the Hoobishan Baths. It's a holosuite and none of it is real.
DAX: And?
KIRA: And? I'm sorry. I feel silly.
DAX: Good. That's what a holosuite's for. To have a good time. All you have to do is relax and use your imagination.
KIRA: I guess I don't have much of an imagination.
DAX: Of course you do. Everyone does. Didn't you play make-believe when you were a child?
KIRA: Yeah. I used to make-believe that the Cardassians would stop killing the Bajorans and just go away. (LOL...sometimes we forget...)

ODO: Can I help you?
DREX: Lohd Zoss-lee chaw-KU sohk jaTAL?
GARAK: Actually, I'm not sure Constable Odo has a mother.
ODO: Morn, I believe Ensign Sanders was looking for you. Gentlemen, if you have business on this Promenade, I suggest you get on with it.
GARAK: I'd listen to him if I were you.
DREX: I don't take orders from shape-shifters, or their Cardassian lapdogs.
ODO: I may be a shape-shifter, but I am also Chief of Security of this station. So either move along, or you'll be continuing this conversation from inside a holding cell.
DREX: As long as you wear that Bajoran uniform, we're allies. Make sure you never take it off.
ODO: I didn't know you spoke Klingon.
GARAK: Oh, you'd be surprised at the things you can learn while you're doing alterations. (LOL)

BASHIR: I can't believe you're not pressing charges.
GARAK: Constable Odo and Captain Sisko expressed similar concern. But really, Doctor, there was no harm done.
BASHIR: They broke seven of your transverse ribs and fractured your clavicle.
GARAK: Ah, but I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos. (LOL!)
BASHIR: Garak, this isn't funny.
GARAK: I'm serious, Doctor. Thanks to your ministrations, I am almost completely healed. But the damage I did to them will last a lifetime. What I can't understand is their inexplicable hostility toward me. Maligning Constable Odo is one thing. After all, he's a changeling. The Klingons don't know him as well as we do. But relations between the Klingon and Cardassian Empires have never been anything but amicable.
BASHIR: With the exception of the Betreka Nebula incident.
GARAK: A minor skirmish.
BASHIR: That lasted eighteen years. (LOL)
GARAK: That was ages ago. Perhaps they decided they just didn't like me?
BASHIR: Not like you? Impossible.
GARAK: You're right, as always, Doctor. They must have mistaken me for someone else. (LOL! This is why we love Garak)

QUARK: Let me guess. Klingon bloodwine.
WORF: Prune juice, chilled.
QUARK: Prune juice? (laughing for a second) If you say so. (LOL)

DAX [OC]: I can't believe you did that.
(Kira and Dax come down the stairs dressed as medieval ladies.)
KIRA: He didn't leave me any choice.
BASHIR: Wait, wait, wait. What did she do?
DAX: She knocked out Lancelot.
KIRA: He kissed me.
DAX: He's supposed to kiss you.
KIRA: But I was playing a married woman. (LOL!! Kira's morality is awesome)
BASHIR: Lieutenant Commander Worf, this is Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, and Major Kira Nerys, our first officer.
WORF: Nice hat (snerk).
KIRA: (pulling the wimple off) I don't usually dress like this. We were in the holosuite.
WORF: So I gathered. You used to be Curzon Dax.
DAX: That's right. And I don't usually dress like this either.
WORF: Curzon's name is an honored one among my people.
DAX: Louk, a jeek cHim talaw. (and right away, Dax and Worf have chemistry)

ODO: It all seems simpler from up here, doesn't it?
WORF: If you are looking to start a conversation, look somewhere else. I would prefer to be left alone.
ODO: That may be, but you can't stay up here forever. Sooner or later you're going to have to talk to Captain Sisko. Whatever it is you've found out about the Klingons, he should be the first to know.
WORF: You have been spying on me.
ODO: As Chief of Security, it's my duty to observe the inhabitants of this station. Since your arrival, you've transmitted an average of five messages a day to the Klingon Homeworld, none of which has gotten a response. Then last night you met with a Klingon officer in your quarters. Since then, you haven't sent a single message. In fact, you've done nothing to further your investigation of the Klingon task force.
WORF: None of which is your business.
ODO: The security of this station is my business. Your behaviour leads me to conclude that either you've given up your investigation, in which case it's my duty to take over, or you've found something. Something so disturbing that you're hesitant to inform Captain Sisko.
WORF: I am not interested in your conclusions.
ODO: Commander. I just wanted to say that I understand what you're going through. I've also had to choose between duty and loyalty to my people.
WORF: Yes, I have read your Starfleet security file.
ODO: Frankly, Mister Worf, I don't care which choice you make. But you owe it to Captain Sisko to let him know which side you're on, before it's too late. Enjoy the view. (good for you, Odo)

GARAK: Excuse me. I hope I'm not interrupting.
SISKO: I'd like to be measured for a new suit.
SISKO: Right now.
GARAK: But Captain, I do have your measurements.
SISKO: Take them again. You were saying, Commander?
DAX: I was saying that between ground forces and warships, the Klingons have committed almost a third of their military to this invasion.
SISKO: How long before they reach their target?
WORF: According to our estimates, the task force should enter Cardassian space within the hour.
SISKO: Don't forget the waist. I think I've lost a little weight.
GARAK: Thank you, Captain. I believe I have everything I need. (awesome! And a hearty f*** you to Starfleet Command is always fun!)

DUKAT [on monitor]: The Klingons? Why would the Klingons invade us?
GARAK: According to my sources, the Klingon High Council believes that Cardassia has been taken over by the Founders.
DUKAT [on monitor]: That's ridiculous.
GARAK: Is it?
DUKAT [on monitor]: Garak, you have got to talk to Sisko. Tell him he has to find a way to stop the Klingons. Cardassia has enough problems right now.
GARAK: You're having trouble keeping the civilians in line?
DUKAT: How do you know about that?
GARAK [on monitor]: I'm afraid that since the fall of the Obsidian Order, Cardassian security isn't what it used to be.
DUKAT [on monitor]: Yes. Shame about the Order. I suppose there won't be much of a demand for your services anymore. Looks like you'll be hemming women's dresses for the rest of your life.
GARAK: We can stand here all day reminding ourselves just how much we hate each other, but you don't have the time. The Klingon fleet will reach Cardassian territory in less than one hour. I suggest you prepare for them. (I love how these two interact...LOL)

WORF: I cannot abandon my post.
GOWRON: You no longer have a post. You have no place on that station, and no business wearing that uniform.
WORF: I have sworn an oath of allegiance.
GOWRON: To the Federation.
WORF: You would have me break my word?
GOWRON: Your word? What good is your word when you give it to people who care nothing for honor, who refuse to lift a finger while Klingon warriors shed blood for their protection. I tell you, they are without honor. You do not owe them anything.
WORF: It is not what I owe them that matters. It is what I owe myself. Worf, son of Mogh, does not break his word.
GOWRON: And what of your debt to me? Are you saying you owe me nothing? I gave you back your name, restored your house, gave your family a seat on the High Council. And this is how you repay me?
WORF: It is true I owe you a great debt. I would give up my life for you. But invading Cardassia is wrong, and I cannot support it.
GOWRON: Worf, I have always considered you a friend and an ally. And because you are my friend, I am giving you this one last chance to redeem yourself. Come with me.
WORF: I cannot.
GOWRON: Think about what you are doing. If you turn your back on me now, for as long as I live, you will not be welcome anywhere in the Klingon Empire. Your family will be removed from the High Council, your lands seized, and your House stripped of its titles. You will have nothing.
WORF: Except my honor (this is why I enjoy Worf's addition to the cast!)

SISKO: Sisko to Bashir. Prepare to receive casualties. And Doctor, have security standing by. I want our guests to undergo blood screenings.
BASHIR [OC]: Understood.
WORF: Blood screenings?
SISKO: Just in case Martok was right. (Mama didn't raise no fool...good for you, Cap'n Benji!)

DUKAT: Thank you, Doctor, but if you don't mind, I would like to go to the bridge now.
BASHIR: This will only take a minute. Your arm please.
DUKAT: What is the meaning of this?
BASHIR: Just a simple blood screening.
DUKAT: I assure you, Doctor, I am not a changeling.
BASHIR: Then you have nothing to worry about.
DUKAT: I find this whole procedure offensive.
BASHIR: And I find you offensive. Now hold out your arm, or I'll have a security officer do it for you. (go Julian!!)

DUKAT: Captain, would you kindly inform this security guard that he does not have to monitor my every move? It makes me feel unwelcome.
DAX: Looks like I won, Benjamin. You owe me dinner.
DUKAT: And what is that supposed to mean?
DAX: Captain Sisko bet me that you would thank him for the rescue before you started complaining.
SISKO: I lost. (LOL)

GARAK: Might I trouble you for a glass of kanar?
QUARK: Help yourself. It's on the house.
GARAK: How uncharacteristically generous of you.
QUARK: I'm in an uncharacteristic mood. Besides, I've got eighty cases of this stuff sitting in my stockroom. And the way things are going, I'll never unload another bottle unless it's to you.
GARAK: How thoughtless of me not to consider the effect the destruction of my homeworld would have on your business. These must be trying times for you. Be brave.
QUARK: I should've listened to my cousin Gaila. He said to me, Quark, I've got one word for you. Weapons. No one ever went broke selling weapons. But did I take his advice? No. And why not? Because I'm a people person. I like interacting with my customers. Like you and I are doing right now. Talking to each other, getting to know one another
GARAK: I can see the attraction for you.
QUARK: But when you're dealing in weapons, buyers aren't interested in casual conversation. They just want their merchandise, no questions asked. It's so impersonal.
GARAK: Your charms would be wasted.
QUARK: Exactly. So now Gaila owns his own moon, and I'm staring into the abyss. And the worst part is, my only hope for salvation is the Federation.
GARAK: I know precisely how you feel.
QUARK: I want you to try something for me.
(He pours a glass of foamy brown stuff.)
QUARK: Take a sip of this.
GARAK: What is it?
QUARK: A human drink. It's called root beer.
GARAK: I don't know.
QUARK: Come on. Aren't you just a little bit curious?
(Garak sips)
QUARK: What do you think?
GARAK: It's vile.
QUARK: I know. It's so bubbly and cloying and happy.
GARAK: Just like the Federation.
QUARK: But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it.
GARAK: It's insidious.
QUARK: Just like the Federation.
GARAK: Do you think they'll be able to save us?
QUARK: I hope so. (AWESOME!!)

ODO: Come on, Quark. Move along. You should be in an emergency shelter by now.
QUARK: I'm not going to any emergency shelter. This is my bar and I'm going to defend it.
ODO: Really? And how do you plan to do that?
QUARK: With this.
ODO: You're going to hit them with a box?
QUARK: No, this is my disruptor pistol. The one I used to carry in the old days when I was serving on that Ferengi freighter.
ODO: I thought you were the ship's cook.
QUARK: That's right, and every member of that crew thought he was a food critic. (ROTFL) If the Klingons try to get through these doors, I'll be ready for them.
(Quark opens the box. There's a note inside which Odo takes and reads.)
ODO: Dear Quark. I used parts of your disruptor to fix the replicators. Will return them soon. Rom.
QUARK: I will kill him. (LOL!)
ODO: With what? (HA!)

DUKAT: That's close enough, Garak.
GARAK: I wanted to make sure the council members were safe.
DUKAT: Hoping, no doubt, that your concern would curry some political favour?
GARAK: Oh, and I take it your concern is motivated strictly by patriotism.
DUKAT: Oh, the council members are well aware of my patriotism and the sacrifices I was willing to make in order to save them. Now, why don't you go back to your tailor shop and sew something?
GARAK: Because if the Klingons do invade this station, you just may need my help.
(Garak has a disruptor.)
GARAK: Who would've thought that the two of us would be fighting side by side?
DUKAT: Just remember when you fire that thing you're aiming it at a Klingon.
GARAK: I'll try to keep that in mind. (more awesomeness)

GARAK: I find this hand-to-hand combat really quite distasteful.
DUKAT: I suppose you prefer the simplicity of an interrogation chamber.
GARAK: You have to admit, it's much more civilised. (LOL)

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