Monday, December 14, 2009

Pardon the Interruption: Long Day

You ever get a cough that consisted, essentially, of about three drops of excess mucus continuously sitting in the back of your throat for two straight days...driving you bananas with an itching sensation that will not quit and that in fact gets about 50 times worse every time you lie down to try to get some sleep? Yeah...that's been me the last two days. As I continue to deal with the never-ending torment of the Martian Death Flu and the opportunistic infections that followed it, life is forcing me to stay active at work as well. Meaning I am really starting to get run down.

I was planning to review a classic Sci Fi movie from my collection - The Matrix (we'll get to that review eventually), but the diphenhydramine I took is already making me instead...I leave you all with this bit of linkage regarding the Copenhagen climate it is now becoming known by climate skeptics...Kookenhagen.

Breaking: Copenhagen Climate Summit Negotiations Suspended - Copenhagen talks stall as wealthy nations try to impose impossible and potentially lethal regulation on third world and developing nations.

Video from the Copenhagen Climate Vortex - Video footage of the madness at Copenhagen...from fruit-loopy hippies on a hunger strike (for what exactly??) to private climate skeptic meetings crashed by more nutty college liberals and getting called "Hitler Youth" by a leading skeptic...rather poor form I must say. Tensions continue to rise.

Meanwhile: CRU Takes Down Data - the leading institution implicated in ClimateGate is turning to hiding their data from public view...


Sea Ice Measurement Update - the spin is in...with arctic sea-ice recovering almost entirely from the 2007 minimum extent, they're calling it "rotten ice"...apparently, they admit there's ice now, but it's evil ice...LOL

I can't even begin to fathom how my field of study has become so utterly bizarre.

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