Saturday, May 22, 2010

Links of Interest: Iron Man & V

Why V Is Awesome: A Pic Spam
by LJ User Darkeyedwolf

This post really amused me when I came across it. I couldn't care less about the "delicious manflesh" or the shipping (as a faithful Catholic, I categorically don't want Jack/Erica to become a reality), and I actually like the rightwing subtext. I'm also not particularly impressed with Erica; in fact, I think she's a joke as a television mother. But there are still some things on which Darkeyedwolf and I agree. I'm completely loving the whole "Two Queens Battle for Supremacy" aspect of the show - and Father Jack is indeed the epitome of preciousness.

Tony Stark Is the New Chuck Norris. Pass It On.

It's funny because it's true.

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