Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Classics: B5 2:4 - A Distant Star

Plot Synopsis:

A complete plot synopsis can be found here.

Overall: 6.7

There's just enough foreshadowing here to push this episode slightly beyond "space-hazard-of-the-week" status - but only just.

Writing: 6.5

I have to admit that I do jump when that Shadow ship appears in hyperspace - and Delenn's incipient conflict with the other Minbari on Babylon 5 is pretty interesting. Beyond these elements, though, this is pretty standard science fiction fare. A ship is damaged and gets -- LOST. IN. (HYPER)SPACE! Check. The station commander must send out a team of pilots on a risky mission to retrieve said ship. Check. The station commander angsts over sending young men out to die. Check. Et cetera, et ecetera, et cetera. Even the attempt at character development we see with Sheridan is hardly groundbreaking. I mean, how many times have we seen former starship captains bemoaning their status as desk jockeys? Just once - just once - I would like to see a ship's captain on a space opera take on a station assignment with full and unvarnished enthusiasm. Can you imagine how utterly different and awesome that would be?

Just to be clear, I don't hate Sheridan. But again, I don't think a whole lot of thought goes into the character much of the time - and this episode is a perfect example. Sheridan's dissatisfaction with his new job (a trite concept in itself) springs up awfully quickly - and it is resolved just as quickly with a few wise words from Delenn. Color me rather unimpressed.

Acting: 7.0

The acting is decent, though. Russ Tamblyn works in his guest role just fine, and all of the regulars put in competent - though not outstanding - performances.

Message: 6.5

I don't really quarrel with D.C. Fontana's dislike of politicians, but that's a pretty old and well worn trope. What I actually enjoy the most in this episode is the diet food plan subplot because it shows how resistant we humans are to social engineering. If I want to eat a greasy burger and fries for lunch, then I'm bloody well going to do so, and I'm not going to stand for busybodies - whether they be station physicians or the federal government - telling me no. I'm not an idiot - I know fast food is bad for me - but I'm fully in Garibaldi's camp on this one: leave us alone!

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