Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Classics: BtVS 2:20 - Go Fish

Overall Rating: 4.5

My oh my...this has to be one of the hokier episodes I can ever remember coming from the Buffyverse. I have noticed that, in spite of my love for BtVS as a franchise, I tend to be more skeptical and critical of the show's filler episodes than previous reviewers have, and this is a good example of the difference between how we at RightFans view our genre-entertainment compared to the large majority of the dedicated fandoms that rule the internet.

Plot Synopsis:

A good summary of the events of this episode can be found here.

Writing: 4.0

There were a few "laugh out loud" moments (highlighted below), but this episode is basically hokey fluff intended to fill that one last slot before the dramatic two-part season finale. The patented "monsterific lesson of the day" this week was delivered without any depth or subtlety (it had a very "after-school special!" feel to it). What's worse, because the plot was too light to fit between Passion and Becoming, the characters were acting in ways that didn't make a heck of a lot of sense to serve the story. Buffy seemed more in the mood to crack jokes than she should be given all she's been through of late. Xander has never had one inkling of athletic talent or desire and suddenly, he's trying out for (and making) the swim team? Willow was suddenly having fun playing the interrogator? Ms. "afraid of confrontation"? Really? I really don't like it when someone comes up with a plot and then shoehorns the characters into it to make it "work"...because doesn't.

Acting: 4.0

Charles Cyphers (Coach Marin) was, perhaps, the most ridiculous human villain I've ever seen on BtVS. The fish-monsters (formerly swim team members) not only looked like really cheap knock-offs of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but acted nonsensically on several occasions. Because many of the characters were...well...out of character to serve the plot, there was a high level of discomfort from all hands - especially Nicholas Brendan (showing off his newly shaven body in a speedo...EEEKKE!!!). The bright spot was SMG handling her interactions with principle Snider, Cameron Walker and the rest of the scoobies quite well...though I can't say I have the same appreciation for Jeremy Garrett (Cameron)...could he BE more cliche?? Also, Charisma Carpenter's big dramatic moment in which she thought Xander had turned into a fish monster would have been really funny if she could pull off the emotion at all...but that whole monologue came across as just plain goofy so the opportunity for humor was lost.

Message: 5.5

On the plus side, we would certainly agree that the drive to cut athletes an academic break, whether they've earned it or not, is just plain corrosive...and that performance enhancing drugs have more downsides than advantages (and are far too risky to be doling out to children in the name of competitive sports excellence). On the minus side, we would appreciate it if BtVS laid off the overly heavy-handed condemnation of the male gender and presented sexual harassment in a more believable light, kthx.


BUFFY: It doesn't make any sense. Why would any demon eat a person's insides and leave the skin?
ZANDER: Yeah! The skin is the best part.
BUFFY: Any demons with high cholesterol? (Giles looks at her with some confusion) You're gonna think about that later, mister, and you're gonna laugh (LOL)

XANDER: Just like that?? He just came out and told you to give Gage a D?
WILLOW: I know! Just like that! Well except for the part where he actually said those words, but his meaning was clear!
XANDER: That is just wrong. Big fat spankin' wrong! It's a slap in the face to those of us who studied long and hard and work long hours to EARN our Ds! (heh)

BUFFY: So I'm treated like the baddie just because he has a sprained wrist and a broken nose...and...I don't have a scratch on me, which - granted - hurts my case a bit on the surface (heh...maybe a little more restraint next time, Buffy? :)...not that he didn't deserve a bit of a smackdown...hehe)

XANDER: And what about that nutty 'all men are created equal' thing?
CORDELIA: Propaganda spouted by the ugly and unpopular!
XANDER: I believe that was Abraham Lincoln.
CORDELIA: Hideous mole on his face and ridiculous hat.
WILLOW: Uh...actually...that was Jefferson.
CORDELIA: Had slaves, remember? (LOL...OK Cordy...)

WILLOW: So, tried out for the swim team twice and never made it, hm?
JONATHAN: I'm asthmatic.
WILLOW: That must have made you pretty angry, didn't it?
JONATHAN: I don't know what you mean.
WILLOW: The way those guys were picking on wanted to get revenge, didn't you?
JONATHAN: I guess...but...
WILLOW: You found a way, didn't you? You did something!
JONATHAN: Alright, alright! I did it! OK? Those guys were total jerks...someone had to take them down a peg.
WILLOW: So you delved into the black arts and conjured yourself a horrific sea-demon to let loose on them.
JONATHAN: I...what??
WILLOW: You didn't?
JONATHAN: No! On Tuesday, I snuck into the gym when no one was around and...peed in the pool.
WILLOW: Oh. (beat) Eeww!! (ROTFL!)

WILLOW: (seeing Xander in his speedo) Xander?!
XANDER: Hi guys...(awkward silence)
BUFFY: What are you doing?
XANDER: I'm under cover.
BUFFY: (quickly) You're not under much! (snerk)

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