Monday, June 14, 2010

Classics: BtVS 2:21/2:22 - Becoming

Overall Rating: 9.1

Even coming from a reviewer that Joss never managed to "sell" on the dramatic depth and significance of the Buffy/Angel relationship, this two-part episode is painful to watch (in a good way). The strength of this episode for me does not lie in the Buffy/Angel relationship per say, but in the long list of things Buffy is forced to sacrifice in the service of good (whether, like Whedon, you prefer to think of good as a nebulous human quality, or whether like us at Right Fans, you think of good as coming from God).

Plot Synopsis:

A thorough plot summary of part one and part two of this piece come to us courtesy of - thanks guys! A lot happened here and I don't have enough time to document it all myself!

SABR Matt's Ratings:

Writing: 9.5

This story hits us very hard from several different key angles. The damage is not limited to Buffy...almost everyone (on the side of good) involved in this drama is harmed in some unique and emotionally powerful way. Joss really knows how to build up your hopes and then heartlessly crush them like a cruel bastard, doesn't he? Let's see...

Buffy loses the person she believes to be her soulmate, her mother (and safe home and the secrecy of her slayer identity), her counterpart in slayer destiny and her place at Sunnydale High - and she very nearly loses her freedom (such as it is) and her best friend. She leaves town believing she has no future! Just utter devastation.

Xander begins to realize that he might have stronger feelings for Willow than for Cordelia (a problem all by itself) but that Willow no longer thinks of him that way now that she's with Oz (oh joy...another girl Xander loves that he can't have!).

Giles gets brutally tortured, including a cruel mind game that reopens the still-raw wounds he suffered with the loss of Jenny.

Angel gets his soul back just in time to suffer ETERNAL DAMNATION! Awesome!

Willow gets knocked into a coma and is still very slowly recovering from her ordeal both with the force of black magic and her injuries as the episode ends. Nobody is walking away from this mess a winner. Aside from Spike that is.

Considering his time limits, Joss accomplished a lot for almost all of the main characters and left the audience brokenhearted and absolutely ringing with the emotional resonance.

If I have one little would be that Kendra's sudden arrival (to be used as the high impact fatality that leads to Buffy's downfall) was a tad convenient. I seriously doubt anyone watching the show was pining for Kendra as Drusilla slit her throat. But this is probably a minor quibble.

Acting: 8.5

Here, the show falters juuust a bit. David Boreanaz is utterly incapable of pulling off his flashback scenes with the appeal and charisma we saw in (for example) "Bram Stoker's Dracula." Nor do he and Buffy have the kind of chemistry we needed in their battle scenes or Angel's death scene to get (at least for me) the romantic power of this story across. And this is definitely not the fault of SMG, who finally rises to the top of the cast and is sensational from start to finish. The look on her face when her mother tells her she's not welcome in her own home...or when she finds the promise ring Angel had given her just before his turning...or as she's leaving town on the bus to LA...or when she sees the whirlpool forming behind her newly restored lover...these are just looks I will never forget. David Boreanaz and some of the smaller role players (actually...this was kind of an off moment for Juliet Landau IMHO...and I still don't care much for Bianca Lawson (Kendra), Max Perlich (Whistler) or Julie Benz (Darla)) keep the score a bit tame despite the star putting on quite a show.

Message: 9.5

Buffy spends the entire run of BtVS with a few brief breaks where her strength falters (most of 6th season, a short part of third season, and the first episode of second season, primarily) as a modern day kiss-ass sci fi stand-in for a saint. And we mean that in the entirely literal sense. The definition of a saint is not simply a person with a virtuous character who does good things for the world. Being a saint means giving of yourself in the service of God with absolutely no expectations of repayment, no reservations and full commitment. You have to be willing to sacrifice anything and everything you hold dear if it serves God and the good in this world that He wrought. Most weeks, Buffy isn't called on to sacrifice it all for the cause, but in two high-impact hours, she literally has to give it all up to save the world. It is refreshing to see that fully depicted from time to time...I fear the concept of sacrifice as a blessing has been largely lost on the modern world.

Stephanie S.'s Ratings:

Writing: 9.5

Beyond the emotional devastation it wreaks for virtually everyone, this two-parter also turns on some interesting and game-changing personal choices. For example, we have Spike's semi-turn, which is driven just as much - or perhaps more - by Spike's tacit desire to one-up Angel as by Spike's expressed affection for this world full of "Happy Meals with legs" and his yen for Drusilla. It is here that Spike starts to evolve into the Neutral Evil character we all know and many fans love. Secondly, we have Xander's understandable yet vengeful decision not to tell Buffy about the planned second attempt to cast the ensouling spell. Part of the reason Buffy's final moments with Angel are so heart-rending is that Angel's "return" is, for Buffy, completely unexpected. Xander effectively leaves Buffy in the emotional lurch here, and that is very, very fascinating.

Acting: 8.0

I agree with my co-author that David Boreanaz is a real weak link here. Most of the time, Boreanaz is flat and unconvincing -- and given that Angel is a main character here, that really pulls down my overall impression of this two-parter's performance element even though the rest of the regular cast truly shines.

Message: 9.5

Buffy is the hero, damn it! And as SABR Matt points out above, if anyone objects to this declaration, they should first be pointed to this episode, in which it is Buffy - and only Buffy - who must make the ultimate sacrifice.

There's also something more subtle in play here, however, and it speaks to the reason why good ultimately wins: love. The three members of the Fangsome Foursome featured here may express superficial and sensual affection for each other, but they are not linked by any real sense of fidelity; as we see, Spike turns on Angel as soon as he finds his alliance with the older vampire personally inconvenient. On the other hand, Angel recognizes at once that to get to Buffy, he has to go after the Scoobies because the Scoobies are a genuine source of Buffy's strength. Why? Because they are, in their fallible human way, completely loving and loyal. There's one scene - and I'm surprised my co-author didn't highlight it below - that demonstrates this quite well: as Buffy prepares to do battle with Angel, Xander shows up and declares, "The cavalry is here! The cavalry is a scared guy with a rock, but he's here." As I said, the Scoobies are fallible human beings, but unlike the vampires on the other side, they will drop everything to rally around their hero when the situation calls for it.


BUFFY: We'd better go. I haven't even started studying for finals yet.
XANDER: Ah, finals. Why didn't you just let me die? (LOL)

BUFFY: Wow,'ve really got this teaching bug. Taking over computer class...tutoring a lost cause...
CORDELIA: I think it's great to do that now before you go out and fail in the real world. That way it's not like you're falling back on's like you're falling...into it.
XANDER: Wow! And almost 65% of that was an actual compliment! Is that your personal best, Cordy? (zing!)

DRUSILLA: Bless me father, for I have sinned. It's been two days since my last confession.
ANGELUS: (after killing the real priest) The lord is very forgiving, my child. Tell me your sins.
DRUSILLA: I've been seeing again...two days ago...down at the mine. I saw the workmen there in a terrible accident. My mother told me to keep my didn't mean nothing. But the next morning, there was a cave in and two men died!
DRUSILLA: My mother told me I'm cursed...that I'm an affront to the lord...that only he's supposed to see anything before it happens. But I don't mean to, I swear it! I want to be good! What should I do?
ANGELUS: Oh hush, child. The lord has a plan for all of us. Even a devil child like you.
DRUSILLA: Devil? What do you...
ANGELUS: ...oh yes. You're evil, through and through. No amount of Hail Marys or confessions can help that.
DRUSILLA: But I don't want to be wicked, father...what do I do?
ANGELUS: Fulfill the lord's plan for you. Be evil...don't fight it!
DRUSILLA: Father, I beg me!
ANGELUS: Very well...ten Our Fathers and an act on contrition. Does that sound right?
DRUSILLA: Yes...thank you! (creepy to the core...seriously...)
ANGELUS: The pleasure is all mine. Oh child?
DRUSILLA: Yes, father?
ANGELUS: watching you.

XANDER: Hi! In case you are just tuned in...everyone here is a crazy person! So this spell might restore Angel's soul. Well here's an interesting angle. Who cares?
BUFFY: I care.
XANDER: Oh really? Am I the only one here with a memory?
WILLOW: Xander...
BUFFY: It's not that simple...
XANDER: So everything's forgiven?
GILES: Let's not lose our perspective here, Xander.
XANDER: I'm perspective guy. Here's mine. Angel's a killer.
CORDELIA: Xander has a point.
XANDER: You know for once, I just wish you'd support me and I just realized you were and I'm embarrassed so I'm just going to get back to my point here. Which is that Angel has to die.
GILES: Curing Angel seemed to be Jenny's last wish.
XANDER: Yeah. And now she's dead.
GILES (unison): Don't you DARE talk to me that way!
WILLOW: I can't believe you would say that, Xander!
WILLOW: (after a long pause) What do you want to do.
BUFFY: We need Angel on our side.
XANDER: Yeah well you can put it however you want. But the way I see it, you just want to forget all about Ms. Calendar's murder so you can have your boyfriend back. (OOOWW...)

WHISTLER: You really are disgusting! This unforgettable stench. It's the smell of death you're giving off here. And that look says homeless's just not good.
ANGEL: Get away from me.
WHISTLER: Why, what are you going to do? Bite me? (laughs)
ANGEL: I'm a vampire.
WHISTLER: You wouldn't bite me on account of your poor tortured soul. God, how sad. A vampire with a soul...very poignant.
ANGEL: Just leave me alone.
WHISTLER: Oh yeah, that's worked out real well for you. Look at how far you've gotten. Come with me.
ANGEL: What do you want from me?
WHISTLER: Let's take a walk.
(cut to a busier street)
WHISTLER: What are you eating? Like a rat per month? You're skin and bones here! Butcher shops are throwing away more blood than you can stand. Good blood, too! You'd know that if you'd lived in the world a little bit.
ANGEL: I want to know who you are.
WHISTLER: And I want to know who you are!
ANGEL: You already do.
WHISTLER: Not yet. But I'm dying to find out. What I mean by that could go either way here.
ANGEL: Who are you?
WHISTLER: The name's Whistler. And you're Angel.
ANGEL: What did you mean?
WHISTLER: could either become an even more useless rat than you already are...or you could become someone. I want you to see something. We'd have to leave now. You see...and then you tell me what you want to do. (very use feeling guilty...time to DO something to atone!)

(one liner that made me laugh)
SPIKE: (sing-song voice) Someone wasn't worthy! (LOL!)

KENDRA: Here! In case the ritual fails...I want you to have this. It is my lucky stake. I have killed many vampires with it. I call it Mr. Pointy (LOL!)
BUFFY: You named your stake? (LOL)

WHISTLER: Bottom line is...even if you seem 'em're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their lives to change...but they do. So what are we, helpless? Nah. It's these moments that tell us what we're made of. When these times call our name, we see who we really are. You'll see what I mean.

SNYDER: Officer?
OFFICER: We have a suspected homicide on the grounds, sir.
SNYDER: If there's trouble, this one's behind it. Trouble maker...always has been.
BUFFY: You stupid little have no idea!
SNYDER: Attitude problems, serious. (*facepalm*)

XANDER: Buffy (he hugs her very tightly)
BUFFY: OK, that was about equal parts protecting me and copping a feel, right? What's wrong? (cut to Willow's bedside)
XANDER: The doctors said it was head trauma...she could wake up at any time, but...the longer she stays out, the less likely it is.
BUFFY: I never should have let her try that curse. Angel must have known. (the whole scene is very's all outside the words though)

WHISTLER: Ms. Summers...I've been waiting for you.
BUFFY: Who are you?
WHISTLER: Whistler.
BUFFY: Why are you here?
WHISTLER: Because I...need a date for the prom.
BUFFY: (grabs him by the throat) Look, I have had a really bad day, OK? So if you've got information I can use, then fantastic. If you're going to stand there and crack jokes, then I'm going to pull out your ribcage and wear it as a hat!
WHISTLER: Hello to the imagery! Very nice!

SPIKE: Will you just hold on a second?!
BUFFY: Here's a tip...mortal enemies...don't get time outs.
SPIKE: You want to go a few rounds, well that's fine with me...I'm up for fun. If you want to stop Angel...we're going to have to play this a bit differently.
BUFFY: What are you talking about?
SPIKE: I'm talking about offing your boyfriend...I'm talking about putting him in the bloody ground.
BUFFY: This has got to be the lamest trick you guys have pulled!
SPIKE: He's got your watcher. Right now he's probably torturing him.
BUFFY: What do you want, Spike?
SPIKE: I've just told you...I want to stop Angel. I want to save the world.
BUFFY: OK, you do remember that you're a vampire, right?
SPIKE: We like to talk big. 'I'm gonna destroy the world!' It's just tough guy talk. Strutting around with the boys over a pint of blood? The truth is...I like this world! You've got've got dog racing...Manchester United...and you've got people. Over six billion of them walking around like little Happy Meals on legs. (LOL!) It's all right here. But then...someone comes along with a vision. A real passion for destruction. Angel could pull it off. Then it's goodbye Piccadilly Square, so long Brunswick...if you get my drift.
BUFFY:'re not down with Angel, I get that. Why would you ever come to me?
SPIKE: I want Dru back. I want it like it was before he came back.
BUFFY: You're pathetic. (they exchange punches) I lost a friend tonight. I may lose more! The world's about to be sucked into hell, and you want my help cause your girlfriend's a big ho?? Well let me take this opportunity to not care.
SPIKE: I can't fight them both alone, and neither can you! (Buffy punches him again)
BUFFY: I hate disgust me!
SPIKE: I'm all you've got!
SPIKE: Just let me kill this guy. (Buffy angrily clears her throat - LOL!!)

XANDER: OK,'ve got no choice here. You've gotta wake up. I need you, Will. If I'm ever gonna pass Trig...I mean...who'm I gonna call every about what we did all day? You're my best friend,'ve always been...I don't know what I'd do without you. (she starts to come to) Willow?
WILLOW: Oz...Oz...(Xander's heart is slightly crushed...awww...)
OZ: I'm here.
XANDER: I'm gonna go get a doctor.
WILLOW: My head feels it big?
OZ:'s head sized. (too cute...)

JOYCE: I'm tired of 'there's not enough time' and 'you wouldn't understand.' I am your mother and you will make time!
BUFFY: I told you...I'm a vampire slayer. Accept it.
JOYCE: No, I don't accept it!
BUFFY: Open your eyes, Mom! What do you think has been going on the last two years? The fights, the weird occurrences? How many times have you washed blood out of my clothes and you still haven't figured it out?
JOYCE: Well it stops now!
BUFFY: No, it doesn't stop! It never stops! Do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is? How dangerous? I would love to be upstairs right now watching TV or gossiping on the phone...or God...even studying! But I have to save the world! Again! I have to go.
JOYCE: No, Buffy, this is need help!
BUFFY: Mom, I'm not crazy. What I need is for you to chill. I have to go now!
JOYCE: No, I am not letting you out of this house.
BUFFY: You can't stop me.
JOYCE: I am still your mother...(she steps in Buffy's way and tries to restrain her but Buffy of course easily throws her aside) walk out of this house, don't even THINK about coming back! ( stunned silence...turns and leaves)

ANGELUS: You know...I can make the pain stop. You've been very brave...but it's over.
GILES: Please...
ANGELUS: Just tell me what I need to know.
GILES: In order to be must complete the a git! (BWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!)
ANGELUS: Alright, someone go get the chainsaw.

SNYDER: This is a crime scene, you know. But then, you're a criminal, so that pretty much works out.
BUFFY: You know I didn't do this. The police will figure it out sooner or later.
SNYDER: You know as well as I do that Sunnydale's finest...are deeply stupid. Either way, it doesn't matter. You've proven too much of a liability for this school. These are the moments you want to savor. You want to drink them in and hold on to them forever. You're expelled.
BUFFY: You never ever got a single date in high school, did you?
SNYDER: Your point being? (she leaves, sword in hand - Snyder picks up his phone) This is Snyder...tell the Mayor...I've got good news. (interesting foreshadowing for third season!)

SPIKE: Uh, Drusilla...(she's still kissing Giles passionately following her mind-reading endeavor)...we are finished here, love.
DRUSILLA: Sorry...I was in the moment. (LOL)

XANDER: Giles...Giles!
GILES: Xander?
XANDER: Yeah...can you walk?
GILES: You're not real.
XANDER: Sure I'm real...let's get out of here.
GILES: They get inside my head...make me see things I want.
XANDER: Then why would they make you see me?
GILES: (beat) You're right...let's go. (LOL!)

ANGEL: Buffy...what's going on? Where are we...I don't remember.
BUFFY: Angel?
ANGEL: You're hurt...oh God...what'd I do? Everything's all muddled...(Akathla opens)...what's happening?
BUFFY: Ssshh (she kisses him passionately)...I love you.
ANGEL: I love you too.
BUFFY: Close your eyes. (she kisses him one last time and then stabs him through the heart with the sword...when he vanishes into hell, she numbly walks away)

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