Friday, June 4, 2010

Classics: Firefly 1:3 - The Train Job

Overall Rating: 8.9

VERY strong showing for a second-episode script. Not only does this one do a great job setting up all of the various tensions, love interests, and cultural differences between the Serenity does so in incredibly entertaining ways with the backdrop of an interesting action-based plot and some seriously funny dialogue that's to die for.

Plot Synopsis:

After barely survivng a bar fight with a bunch of alliance-loyal drunkards, Mal reports that they've made contact with a very sketchy individual named Niska who's got a potential job for them. Mal knows Niska's reputation is iffy, so he tells Inara to stay on the ship and out of harm's way. When they go to meet Niska, he confirms his evilness by revealing the dead body of a former associate in the closet. He offers them a job - a train heist to steal alliance supplies from a train headed for a seedy little burg called Paradiso. Mal agrees to take the job and plans an ingenious thievery right under the noses of alliance security officers who were on the train. Meanwhile, Kaylee speaks to Simon about his place on the crew and we get a glimpse through River's dreams about the torture lavished on her in her academy days that is responsible for her insanity.

Mal, Zoe and Jayne get the robbery underway as planned and, when a security officer stumbles on the trio in mid-swipage, a fight breaks out and Jayne is shot in the leg, but escapes to Serenity with the loot. Zoe and Mal are, however, trapped on the train with local police interrogating all of the passengers in search of the culprits or their accomplices. The Alliance is no help...they order their security detachment to leave town post-haste. While talking with the sheriff, Mal learns that the loot is actually a valuable medication used to treat a long term illness that causes the bones and connective tissues to break down over time. The disease comes from a life spent breathing the air in the mines of this terraformed planet. Mal, seeing the devastation this illness has wrought on the working-class people on the train, decides right there that he's going to return their stolen property.

When Inara cleverly appears and punches Mal - claiming he's an indentured servant to get him out of local police custody - he and Zoe escape, but they return to Serenity and tell the crew to take back the goods. Jayne - who had tried to take command of the ship and fly off without Mal and Zoe and was drugged for it by Simon (heh) - is unhappy about this decision, but he doesn't get much time to argue as Niska's henchmen have been staking out the job and arrive on Serenity guns blazing. The shootout that unfolds is pretty spectacular, BTW. With Niska's men dispatched quite nicely, Mal returns the goods to the waiting Sheriff and they exchange a knowing look - they both hate the alliance and they both want to do the right thing. They part on good terms and Mal keeps Niska's money.

Writing: 9.5

Oh this dialogue is OUTSTANDING and I'm very impressed with how quickly Joss is establishing all of the characters, their interactions with each other, and the mysteries that come with River Tam and Book. Right away, I am drawn into the show rather deeply. I'm wondering whether anything will happen with Kaylee and Simon, enjoying the UST between Inara and Mal, reveling in the very southern codes of conduct and morality, and just plain loving how these people interact with each other and with the worlds around them. Not even Buffy and the slayerettes got so much momentum so quickly. It's a crying shame Firefly never got a fair shake in the ratings.

Acting: 7.2

I think this show has a tendency most weeks to be led by Morena Baccarin (hey! good for her finding new work in V!), Jewel Staite (whose metaphorical babies I would like to have...LOL), and Nathan Fillon. They put in their usual solid acting performances right away, but I can't say I'm all that impressed with Adam Baldwin (Jayne) or Sean Maher (Simon). This is a very interesting cast just learning how to work together...the acting gets better as the show continues.

Message: 10.0

There isn't a single unifying message in this episode, but there are so many deliciously moral and wonderful libertarian moments in this hour that I can't help but gush. The most unexpected people do some of the most wonderful things here...Inara (the high class hooker!) makes room for faith each time Mal goes to pull off a heist. Mal (the bitter southern ex-patriot), shows, despite his loss of faith in God, that he's got a heart of gold on several occasions (proclaiming that taking on River and Simon was the right thing to do, defending Inara from danger, returning his stolen goods when he realized what was at stake etc), Kaylee shows a great balance between feminine wiles and frontier street smarts, Simon (who often appears stuck up and distant) shows a very deep familial loyalty...there's just a lot of things to be happy about in the smaller moments within the plot.

It doesn't hurt that the alliance' place in this story as decadent, untrustworthy and top-heavy central authority worthy of rebellion is established as well - lovely how they walk away from a whole planet full of sick people because it's too much trouble for them to bother with finding out where their own stolen goods went, isn't it? The real danger of a Federal government being entrusted with too much power will be continuously on display in this series and I'll be raving about every moment of it.


LUND: You didn't toast? Y'know, I'm thinkin' you one of them independents
MAL: And I'm thinkin' you weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling. So why don't we just ignore each other, til we go away? (MAL turns away from LUND and faces the bar.)
LUND: The Independents were a bunch of cowardly inbred pisspots. Shoulda been killed off of every world spinnin'. (MAL sets down his drink, stone faced. Turns to Lund.)
MAL: (edge of anger to it) Say that to my face. (The both stand, getting into each others' face.)
LUND: (slowly) I said, you're a coward, and a pisspot. Now what are you gonna do about it?
MAL: (chipper) Nothin'. I just wanted you to face me so she could get behind ya. (LUND turns, and his face meets ZOE'S fist.)
MAL: (to ZOE) Drunks are so cute. (pure concentrated awesome :D)

So...(excited)...what happened? Was there a terrible brawl?
ZOE: Oddly enough, there was.
WASH: (to MAL) Are you gettin' my wife into trouble?
MAL: Wha? I didn't start it! Just wanted a quiet drink.
ZOE: (deadpan) Funny, sir, how you always seem to find yourself in an Alliance-friendly bar come U-day, looking for a "quiet drink."
MAL: See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid and crotchety. Makes it hard. (Camera moves to KAYLEE as she laughs at the banter - this is highlighted because it's giggle-inducing and because I find Kaylee's excitement over the brawl so cute it hurts...LOL)

SIMON: Need a weave on that?
MAL: It's nothin'.
SIMON: I expect there's someone's face feels differently.
MAL: Well, they tell ya, never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is on occasion hilarious. (BWAHAHA!!)

BOOK: Not many would take them in, either. Why did you?
MAL: Same reason I took you on board, Shepherd. I need the fare. (MAL starts walking up the stairs. Book follows him with a laugh.)
BOOK: There's neither of can pay a tenth what your crew makes on one of your "jobs".
MAL: Are you referring to our perfectly legitimate business enterprises? (LOL!)
BOOK: I'm wondering why a man so anxious to fly under Alliance radar would house known fugitives. The Alliance had her in that institution for a purpose, whatever it was, and they will want her back. You're not overly fond of the boy, so why risk it?
MAL: Only cause it's the right thing to do. (simple, direct, and very poignent - it's the southern way to express morality. :) )

KAYLEE: Have you ever had to service a really hideous client? With boils and the like?
INARA: A Companion chooses her own clients, that's Guild law. But physical appearance doesn't matter so terribly. You look for a compatibility of spirit. There's an energy about a person that's difficult to hide, you try to feel that--
MAL: And then you try to feel the energy of their credit account. It has a sort of aura. (I love Mal's realistic wit...heh)
INARA: (pissed) What did I say to you about barging into my shuttle?
MAL: That it was manly and impulsive? (snerk)
INARA: Yes, precisely. Only the exact phrase I used was "don't".
MAL: Well, you're holding my mechanic in thrall. And Kaylee, what the hell's goin' on in the engine room? Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose? (LOL!!)
KAYLEE: I had to rewire the grav thrust because somebody won't replace that crappy compression coil.
MAL: Well get the place squared away. It's dangerous in there, and I ain't paying you to get your hair played at.
KAYLEE: [Kuh ooh duh lao bao jurn. - "Horrible old tyrant..."]
MAL: (to KAYLEE) We work before we play. (I like this gives some interesting cultural color to Inara and it humorous at the same time)

MAL: We have a job.
INARA: Congratulations. This job wouldn't be on a decently civilized planet where I could screen some respectable clients perhaps?
MAL: Respectable clients, it seems a contradiction. (oh, snap!)
INARA: (interrupting) Don't start. (they have a moment that feels like sexual tension - quickly we are establishing that Mal is in love with Inara but can't stand her profession...very interesting)

MAL: Well I have. While we're there, you'll stay confined to the ship.
INARA: Is the petty criminal perchance ashamed to be riding with a Companion?
MAL: (serious) This guy has a very unlovely rep. He's got work for me, fine. But I don't...(pauses) I'm not sure you'd be safe.
INARA: (smiling) Mal, if you're being a gentleman, I may die of shock. (MAL grunts, and bows, walking off. He turns around and walks back towards INARA.)
MAL: Have you got time to do my hair?
INARA: Out. (aww...being all manly and protective...)

BOOK: I'm surprised a respectable Companion would sail with this crew.
INARA: It's not always this sort of work. They take the jobs they can get, even legitimate ones. The further you get away from the Central Planets, the harder things are, so this is part of it. (I like how Inara defends long as he's not around. :) )
BOOK: I wish I could help. (off Inara's look) I mean, I don't wanna..not help help, not with the thieving, but... I do feel awfully useless.
INARA: You could always pray they make it back safely.
BOOK: I don't think the Captain would much like me praying for him.
INARA: Don't tell him. (cont'd) I never do. (aw...)

ZOE: (urgently) Sir, is there some information we might maybe be lacking as to why there's an entire fedsquad sitting on this train?
MAL: Doesn't concern us.
ZOE: It kinda concerns me.
MAL: I mean they're not protecting the goods. If they were, they wouldn't be letting people past 'em.
ZOE: You don't think that changes the situation a bit?
MAL: I surely do. Makes it more fun. (LOL!)
ZOE: Sir? I think you have a problem with your brain being missing. (ROTFL!!!)
MAL: Come on. We stick to the plan. We get the goods, we're back on Serenity before the train even reaches Paradiso, only now we do it under the noses of twenty trained Alliance Feds. And that makes 'em look all manner of stupid. Hell, this job I would pull for free. (heh)
ZOE: (amused) Can I have your share?
MAL: No.
ZOE: If you die, can I have your share?
MAL: Yes. (LOL!! Man the dialogue in this episode is hilarious...this is better than most BUFFY episodes with the banter...and that's saying a lot!)

SIMON: So, what are we doing?
KAYLEE: Oh! Crime. (it's so CUTE how excited she is...LOL)
SIMON: Crime? Good. Okay, crime.
KAYLEE: It's a train heist. See, we fly over the train car. The Captain and Zoe sneak in, we lower Jayne onto the car, and they bundle up the booty, and we haul 'em all back up. Easy as lyin'.
SIMON: They've done this before?
KAYLEE: (laughing) Hell no. But I think it's gonna work. The Captain's [jen duh sh tyen tsai - "an absolute genius"] when it comes to plans. (I would just liek to express my undying lust for Kaylee at this moment.)

JAYNE: You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here. (LOL!!) Now we're finishing this deal, and then maybe maybe we'll come back for those morons who got themselves caught. (starts breathing heavily) You can't change that by getting all...(voice slows)...bendy.
WASH: All what?
JAYNE: (drugged) You've got the light.. from the console.. keep you, lift you up. They shine like...(tries to catch the light in his hands)...little angels...(JAYNE collapses with a thud. The crew just stares.)
WASH: Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?
SIMON: I told him to sit down.
KAYLEE: (amazed) You doped him.
SIMON: It was supposed to kick in a good deal sooner. I, I just didn't feel comfortable with him in charge. I hope... hope that's all right. (heh HEH!)

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