Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Classics: Firefly 1:5 - Shindig

Overall: 9.5

This day-in-the-life episode is carried on the strength of its small moments, which speaks to the skill with which Whedon and company have built this universe and developed these characters.

Plot Synopsis:

Serenity - fresh off of yet another fun barroom brawl in which Mal, having objected to a man's line of work as a slave trader, steals the man's credits - is heading for Persephone in search of honest work (or dishonest work, whichever pays better). On the way in, Mal checks up on Inara (because every time they land, she takes on a client or two, and Mal can't stand that!). They trade barbs while discussing her charge for this trip - a wealthy brat named Atherton Wing. Once they put down and begin searching the town, Kaylee spots a dress that she just adores and asks Mal for the money to buy it, but he laughs at the notion - wondering what Kaylee would possibly do with such a frilly ensemble while repairing the ship's engines. Hurt, Kaylee skulks off with Inara at her side (who is equally offended). A few seconds later, Mal finds himself at gunpoint. Badger, who refused Mal's Alliance-marked salvage in the pilot, has heard Serenity will be in town and wants to chat. He knows a wealthy land owner here who's got property he wants to sell off world, but that's against the law in these parts. Mal's little firefly is the perfect vector for their little smuggling operation.

The plan, as it turns out, is for Mal to crash a debutante ball (the same ball at which Inara plans to be with her client) and speak to one of the guests about the deal. He dresses Kaylee up in the dress she wanted so that she may be his escort (Kaylee absolutely bursts with glee over her gown and the finer things at the ball. It's so CUTE!) and they're off in search of a man in a red sash (stopping briefly to interrogate the buffet table for clues...heh). Another kind gentleman, meanwhile, shortly rescues Kaylee from being bullied by a back of queen bees over the state of her dress. She then proceeds to hold court with a whole bunch of rich men as they laugh about engine parts and various other manly things (in fact, she gets several of them fighting over who'll get to dance with her...LOL). Mal, who has joined her to talk to his charge spots Inara in the crowd and stares at her client with a look of hostility. At this, Inara walks over to introduce him to Mal, and Mal (with fake politeness) asks Atherton for a dance with his escort. He and Inara trade insults again on the dance floor until Atherton interrupts and makes some snotty remarks about Inara that anger Mal enough to throw down.

Unfortunately, punching a man in this company is the same as challenging him to a duel with swords, and Mal has no skill with swords (and Atherton is an expert). Inara tries to convince Mal to run away to save his life, but he refuses to back away from this fight. He believes he is defending Inara's honor like any good southern gentleman would, and that's too important to walk away from. He asks Inara for some sword fighting pointers, but eventually, after proving he's pretty bad at this, he insults her line of work one too many times and she leaves. On Serenity, the crew wants to bust Mal out of his predicament, but Badger's thugs show up to make sure Mal is not publicly dishonored by running away from this fight (it would make Badger's client look bad, and they can't have that). They talk about creating a diversion and totally miss their chance when River affects a perfect Cockney accent and humiliates the head thug with some insulting comments about his sad life as king of a tiny anthill.

On the morning of the duel, Atherton toys with Mal for a bit, leading up to a classic bullfighter trick (where he pretends to leave himself open so Mal will charge in and expose his gut for a good stabbing). Inara cringes as Mal falls for it and gets run through the side. In the final exchange of blows, Mal gets his sword crushed and is about to be killed when Inara yells that she'll stay with Atherton if he spares Mal's life. Mal uses that distraction to knock the sword from Atherton's hand, rejoin the fight, and eventually upend Atherton with his own sword. Harrow explains that Atherton is now humiliated if Mal won't finish him off. Mal, enjoying that he has properly humiliated the little twit, stabs him a couple of times for fun but leaves him alive and walks away victoriously. The duel is enough to convince Harrow to let Mal run his cargo, and, apparently, Mal's actions also impress Inara even though she never had any intention of staying with Atherton.

SABR Matt's Ratings:

Writing: 9.5

This episode is like watching a baseball team bang out 18 singles en route to scoring 12 runs for an easy win. The script is so full of little moments that make you smile that you don't need a big grandiose dramatic home run (like the huge show-stopping two-person dialogue of DS9's Duet or the high drama and terror of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "Passion") to see how strong the writing really is. Everything from Kaylee's heart-meltingly adorable flirtation with her feminine side to River's fascinating ability to play any character she wants with absolute clarity to Mal's obvious affection for Inara and the irrational things it makes him's all so engaging and downright fun that you can't help but walk away impressed.

Acting: 9.5

It's really quite amazing how quickly this cast is developing such professional chemistry. Baccarin has mad skills to be able to pull off such a scary Anna in V (2009) and such a classy whore in almost don't recognize that it's the same person. Nathan Fillion is so fun to watch in this one (and BTW, it takes major skill to do awkward stage's actually easier to be trained in proper stage combat than it is to fight like someone who doesn't know how to fight intentionally), and my undying love for Jewel Staite grows to all new heights here. :) We're getting some hints about Summer Glau as well - she hasn't had a ton of screen time yet, but her moment busting out the perfect Cockney accent and ripping into Badger was technically fascinating to watch. And I must say...for so early in the production, Wash and Zoe have AWESOME chemistry...hard to depict a young married couple any better than these two do, and that speaks to their abilities as well.

Message: 10.0

There are about five different strong messages in this episode, each getting only a portion of the visibility that a single-message episode would normally receive, but all adding up to a deeply morally satisfying experience for me. Mal VERY IMPORTANTLY links prostitution (no matter how it's achieved) with SLAVERY. This connection isn't made enough today, but don't kid yourselves, folks. When you offer yourself to someone for money, you are a slave...even if you get to choose your master and make a profit from the exchange. The evils of slavery don't come from the lack of payment for honest labor (technically, American slaves were paid with enough food and shelter to survive...though frequently, the accommodations were downright cruel)...once money changes hands, a whore has no freedom to deny her client access to her body. On top of this, we've got Zoe and Wash showing how a strong marriage should work (in contrast to how Atherton would like to hold onto his woman), Kaylee reminding us that women, no matter what line of work they're in, really are different from men on some fundamental levels, and Mal standing up for the honor of a lady no matter what the cost. That's a lot of very positive messages to send in 45 minutes!

Stephanie S.'s Ratings:

Writing: 9.5

As SABR Matt notes above, this is an episode that is built upon many wonderful little moments. The scene between Kaylee and the "queen bees," for example, is perfectly tailored to the show's audience (are there any female geeks who haven't been attacked in such a catty fashion by the pretty and the popular?) and also demonstrates, with notable economy, how deep the class divisions run in this universe. Moreover, the scenes between Inara and Mal are themselves both funny and revealing. Here we see the true reason why Mal objects to Inara's profession. It's not simply because he harbors an attraction to Inara (although that's certainly undeniable); it's also because he perceives nothing honest or free in the life of a courtesan. This is a textbook example of good characterization; most of the time, people, being multifaceted beings, don't have motivations that are simple to define.

Acting: 9.5

I have little to add here. It is indeed unusual to see a cast fit so well together so early on. I particularly love the chemistry between Nathan Fillion and Morena Baccarin in this episode; watching them bounce off of each other is a truly delightful experience. And yes - Jewel Staite is adorable.

Message: 9.0

I'll echo here what my co-author has mentioned already: the honesty with which this episode treats the subject of legal prostitution - even high class legal prostitution - is outstanding. Inara may indeed enjoy the benefits of an upper-class education, a little personal wealth, and the freedom to pick her clients, but that doesn't change the connection some - like Atherton - will draw between their money and their ownership. Mal's objections in this episode are exactly right: selling yourself, even if you supposedly do so freely, results in a loss of your human dignity in the eyes of others.


MAL: Making plans? "Atherton Wing". He's a regular, ain't he?
INARA: I've seen him before.
MAL: Oh, I never did. Not what I pictured - young. Must be rich too, to afford your rates.
INARA: I suppose. He has engaged me for several days.
MAL: Days!? Boy must have stamina.
INARA: He does.
MAL: Well...fine. Is he letting you out at all?
INARA: Actually, we're attending a ball tomorrow night.
MAL: Tell me, do all the men there pay for their dates, or just the young rich ones with stamina?
INARA: Most of the women there will not be Companions, if that's what you're asking. Perhaps the other men couldn't attract one.
MAL: Hmm. It's sounds like the finest party I can imagine getting paid to go to.
INARA: I don't suppose you'd find it up to the standards of your outings. More conversation and somewhat less petty theft and getting hit with pool cues. (ROTFL. I love the way these two snark at each other.)

KAYLEE: Mal...can I have the money to buy that dress?
WASH: I'd chip in for it...
JAYNE: We all would love to see that...( dog)
MAL: What would you do with a rig like that? Hop around in the engine room? You'd look like a sheep on its hind legs! (laughs - Inara and Kaylee exchange hurt bunny looks and walk away angry) What? Are they mad or something? (Yes, Mal...they're mad...and you know nothing about women...LOL)

THIEF: Heard you were in town. My pal Badger would like a bit of a word with you.
MAL: Prefer a bit of a piss off. (LOL)

KAYLEE: These girls have the most beautiful dresses. And so do I -- how about that?
MAL: Yeah, well, just be careful. We cheated Badger out of good money to buy that frippery, and you're supposed to make me look respectable.
KAYLEE: Yes, sir, Captain Tightpants. (Heh.)
MAL: We're looking for a man in a red sash he wears crosswise.
KAYLEE: Why would he wear it like that?
MAL: I haven't the slightest idea.
KAYLEE (spotting the food): Is that him?
MAL: That's the buffet table.
KAYLEE (with the most adorable evil grin): Well how do we know, sir...unless we question it? (BWAHAHA!!)

WASH: Don't fall asleep now. Sleepiness is weakness of character. Ask anyone. You're acting captain. Know what happens you fall asleep now?
ZOE: Jayne slits my throat and takes over.
WASH: That's right.
ZOE: And we can't stop it.
WASH: Well, I wash my hands of it. It's a hopeless case. I'll read a nice poem at the funeral. Something with imagery.
ZOE: You could lock the door and keep the power-hungry maniac at bay.
WASH: Oh, no, I'm starting to like this poetry idea now. "Here lies my beloved Zoe, my autumn flower, somewhat less attractive now she's all corpsified and gross..." (LOL!)

KAYLEE: Don't you just love this party? Everything's so fancy, and there's some kind of hot cheese over there.
CABOTT: It's not as good as last year.
KAYLEE: Oh really? What'd they have last year?
CABOTT: Standards. (What a bitch.)
BANNING: Who made your dress, Kaylee?
KAYLEE: Oh, do you like it? When I saw the ruffles, I just couldn't resist.
BANNING: You ought to see to your girl.
KAYLEE: Shah muh? (What?)
BANNING: Your girl. She's not very good. She made you a dress that looks like you bought it in a store.
KAYLEE: Oh, I didn't know. (Ouch.)
(A man, Murphy, sees this exchange and comes over to intervene.)
MURPHY: Why Banning Miller! What a vision you are in your fine dress. It must have taken a dozen slaves a dozen days to get you into that getup. (A beat) 'Course your daddy tells me it takes the space of a schoolboy's wink to get you out of it again. (Zing!)

MAL: This dance I think I actually know.
INARA: Why are you here?
MAL: Business. Same as you. I was talking to a contact about a smuggling job and you came over to me.
INARA: You were staring at me.
MAL: I saw you is all. You stand out.
INARA: In this company, Captain, I believe you're the one who stands out.
MAL: Well then, maybe I just wanted to see a professional at work. Is this the hardest part, would you say, or does that come later?
INARA: You have no call to try to make me ashamed of my job. What I do is legal. And how's that smuggling coming?
MAL: My work's illegal, but at least it's honest.
INARA: What!?
MAL: Well this, the lie of it. That man parading you around on his arm as if he actually won you, as if he loves you, and everyone here actually going along with it.

MAL: Whoa now. Watch yourself. Ain't no need for hands on.
ATHERTON: Excuse me, she's not here with you, Captain. She's mine.
MAL: Yours? She don't belong to nobody.
ATHERTON: Money changed hands, which makes her mine tonight. And no matter how you dress her up she's still...
(Mal punches Atherton in the face before he can finish his sentence. Yes!)
MAL: Turns out this is my kind of party.

KAYLEE: Up until the punching, it was a real nice party. (LOL!)

MAL: I thought he made it pretty clear he has no regard for you.
INARA: You did manage to push him into saying something, yes. Made a nice justification for the punch.
MAL: Well, he insulted you. I hit him. Seemed like the thing to do. Why'd this get so complicated?
INARA: Well, it's about to get simpler. There's a back door. Desk clerk is on alert. He'll let us out.
MAL: Whoa, whoa, I'm not running off. I don't know what you got in your head, but I didn't do this to prove some kind of point to you. I thought I was defending your honor. And I never back down from a fight.
INARA: Yes, you do! You do all the time!
MAL: Well, yeah... but, I'm not backing down from this one.

ZOE: We can lure one or two of them away.Say infirmary? Take 'em out, be on Badger before he knows what happens.
JAYNE: Only if his attention's elsewhere. What we need's a diversion. I say Zoe gets nekkid.
WASH: Nope.
JAYNE: I could get nekkid.
ALL: No! (LOL!)

MAL: Swinging from the shoulder feels stronger.
INARA: It's also slower, Mal. You don't need strength as much as speed. We're fragile creatures. It takes less than a pound of pressure to cut skin.
MAL: You know that? They teach you that in whore academy?
INARA: You have a strange sense of nobility, Captain. You'll lay a man out for implying I'm a whore, and yet you keep calling me one to my face.
MAL: I might not show respect to your job, but he didn't respect you. That's the difference.

MAL: This yu bun duh (stupid) duel is the result of the rules of your society, not mine.
INARA: You are always breaking the rules, no matter what society you're in! You don't get along with ordinary criminals either, which is why you're constantly getting in trouble.
MAL: You think following the rules will buy you a nice life, even if the rules make you a slave. (A beat) Don't take his offer.
INARA: What?
MAL: Don't do it. Because in the case it happens it means he's the fella that killed me and I don't like fellas that kill me, just in general. I said before I don't have call to stop you, and that's true, but anyways, don't. (Aw.)

HARROW: He's down. You have to finish it, lad. You have to finish it. For a man to lie beaten, and yet breathing? It makes him a coward.
INARA: It's humiliation.
MAL: Sure, it's humiliating. Having to lie there while the better man refuses to spill your blood. Mercy is the mark of a great man. (Mal stabs Atherton once with his sword.) Guess I'm just a good man. (Then Mal stabs Atherton a second time.) Well, I'm all right. (ROTFL!)

HARROW: You didn't have to wound that man.
MAL: Yeah, I know. It was just funny. (Hee!)

ZOE: Are we ready? On three...
MAL: Have you ever seen such a lazy crew? (LOL)
WASH: Mal! You're hurt...
MAL: I'll live - Doc here will see to that.
THIEF: Did you get the deal?
MAL: I got the deal. Now get off my ship.
THIEF: Very well, then. Thank you for such a lovely evening. Boys! (motions for his gun toting thugs to leave)
WASH: We were about to pull off a bold and complicated rescue mission, Captain...
JAYNE: I was gonna was real excitin'! (LOL!)

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