Saturday, June 26, 2010

Classics: SG1 3:12 / 3:13 - Jolinar's Memories / The Devil You Know

Overall Rating: 7.8

Psychotic acts of bad assery + Stargate's first exploding planetoid + stellar acting by several of the key Goa'ulds (perhaps not Peter Williams, who I've never liked, but the rest) and the regular cast + very interesting presentation method and direction + Jack O'Neill's acerbic wit = good clean fun, though perhaps not quite the feature-worthy action plot I thought it was after the first viewing.

Plot Synopsis:

Plot Synopses may be found here (Jolinar's Memories) and here (The Devil You Know) courtesy of the Stargate Wiki.

Writing: 9.0

As action-based plots go, this one has a lot of ooey-gooey character-driven morsels mixed in with the explosions and suspense - it's guaranteed to be good fun for just about everyone who likes Stargate at all. I also appreciate that this episode made use of a common sci fi trope (the memory recall device) in a new and interesting way (memory recall + psychotropic drug = genuinely creepy interrogation tactic!) to produce some very interesting snapshots into the past of each of the main characters marooned on Ne'tu. I would, however, point out that they could have pushed this episode much further over the top if they'd have actually given us a look at what kinds of torments a person could suffer (for eternity, no less) in a Goa'uld-made representation of hell. Apart from the creepy "blood of Sokar" drug, we didn't see any of our four heroes actually tortured even a tiny bit...they were there for quite a while...seems they got off easy! When you start off an episode describing SG-1's destination as a place of eternal suffering and damnation from which there is no hope of return, you're kind of expecting more.

Also, I don't think the writers of this two-parter were thinking big enough. If Sokar wants to channel the images in human mythology about Hades...then why does Ne'tu only have several hundred denizens? Shouldn't hell have like millions of people? Do we imagine someone as powerful as Sokar can't find millions of enemies? Jaffa from reival System Lords, humans that refused to worship him, etc? Shouldn't we have seen denizens who'd been there for thousands of years - continuously revived by the Sarcophagus for more torturous fun? I would think that Apophis' speech to the denizens would have had more emotional impact, for example, if we'd seen WAR beforehand. We saw no evidence that the people stuck on Ne'tu were fighting amongst themselves (as I'm quite sure they would be in such harsh conditions)...uniting people in such a stressful climate would have been very impressive (and scary, reminding us of the unification of Germany under Adolph Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s). I'm nitpicking a very interesting and entertaining show, but all of this does keep me from giving it a higher rating despite very snappy and entertaining dialogue.

Acting: 8.5

I really wish they'd have found a better actor to play Apophis. Every time he appears, I notice all of the hammy overacting and very uninspired facial expressions and annoying misuse of his dialogue. The main cast (especially during the drug-induced flashbacks) was unusually strong and I was genuinely disturbed and creeped out out by David Palffy's rendition of Sokar and Bob Dawson's Bynarr...usually the Goa'ulds on this show are intentionally hammy and ridiculous (just there to be the 2-D bad guys against which our heroes must rebel), but not this time. It's a shame the writers decided to kill off Sokar and keep Apophis alive. I can't stand that guy (and not in a good way).

Message: 6.0

For the life of me, I cannot figure out if the writers intended there to be a message in this script or not, and I certainly can't find one myself. It appears to just be action for action's sake. That's not a horrible thing, but apart from Sam's stirring comments to her father about why he needed to fight for survival and Hammond's orders before SG-1's departure (you will return General Carter home alive and well!), the writers didn't really appear to have much of a direction this time around. Plot movement without motivation feels a little empty the second time around (though the show is certainly compelling during the first viewing just because the script is carried by suspense and the hope that something dramatically important will come from this hellish experience) and I can't get too excited about this one as a result.


MARTOUF: I'm afraid he's been captured by Sokar.
SAM: Oh my God...
MARTOUF: As far as we know, he is still alive.
SAM: As far as you know??
MARTOUF: You recall that Sokar has chosen to take on the identity of the being humans call the devil?
JACK: Yeah, we remember. Bit pretentious if you ask me.
MARTOUF: Then you must understand that if Selmak is still alive, he has literally been sent to hell.
JACK: As in...
MARTOUF: A place of eternal suffering and damnation from which there is no return. (awesome teaser...LOL)

MARTOUF: Sokar's hellish prison lies on a moon called Ne'tu.
JACK: A really hot world, I take it. (LOL)
MARTOUF: Ne'tu is indeed a place where fires burn strong.

SAM: When do we leave?
MARTOUF: As soon as you are ready, presuming you all understand exactly what you're volunteering for.
JACK: You said hell right? Well, I'm gonna end up there sooner or later...might as well check out the neighborhood, hm? (LOL)

MARTOUF: The ship we'll use to carry out our mission awaits us on Vorash.
JACK: Ship?
MARTOUF: There is no stargate on Ne'tu. All those who are banished there arrive by ship.
JACK: Have I mentioned how much I dislike surprises? Anything else you want to tell me about?
MARTOUF: We don't have a lot of time, Colonel. We can discuss the specifics of this mission en route.
JACK: Ah! See, now that puts me in a position to be surprised! (LOL)

SAM: Wait, isn't Teal'c coming with us?
MARTOUF: He cannot. The atmosphere of Ne'tu is impenetrable by ship...all those banished there must arrive by escape pods and we must do the same if we are to fool the guards.
JACK: This would qualify as a surprise...
MARTOUF: Shall we embark?
JACK: Alright then (claps his hands together) hell with us.

SAM: Martouf...
MARTOUF: Are you alright, Sam?
SAM: I want to try it again.
MARTOUF: I should have said this before. My relationship with Jolinar is a source of discomfort for you...
SAM: Martouf...
MARTOUF: I never would have asked you to undertake this mission if I didn't think that Jolinar's memories of Ne'tu were the only way. She may have held back the truth because she feared her actions might drive a rift between us. I don't want you to hold back for the same reason.
SAM: OK...(seems unconvinced)

JACK: You're pushing a little hard, don't ya think (I love how they stick up for each other)?
MARTOUF: There is not much time left...
JACK: It's her father, Marty...she's aware of the stakes.
MARTOUF: If she cannot remember her method of escape before we reach Ne'tu, I will not ask any of you to accompany me to the surface.
JACK: Why?
MARTOUF: Because anyone who joins me will most likely never return.
JACK: So...why are going again?
MARTOUF: I will attempt to locate Selmak and communicate any relevant information back to you. You will then return to Vorash and warn the council.
JACK: And leave you and Jacob down there to...what...rot?
MARTOUF: Without any means of escape...
JACK: Jolinar escaped.
MARTOUF: But if Samantha cannot remember how...
JACK: Yeah yeah, I get it...and pardon my bravado here, but I've been through worse and escaped. We're not leaving with Jacob Carter. (turns his attention to Sam) Are you going to be OK?
SAM: It's just all so confusing...images, faces...flashed of memory and fragments of thoughts and feelings. There was a Goa'uld on Ne'tu...not Sokar. I know his name but I can't find it. He was...well let's just say he was less than attractive. I get this...sick feeling when I try to remember him.
MARTOUF: Something happened with he and Jolinar...(excellent bit of foreshadowing here)
SAM: Something worse than the torture and pain...something so horrible that Jolinar never wanted Martouf to find out about it. (oooooh)

DANIEL: My lungs are burning...
JACK: Well at least it's a dry heat. (LOL)

MARTOUF: What made you think Bynarr would be sympathetic to us?
SAM: I was sure he was the one who helped Jolinar escape.
SAM: She uh...(looks like she feels the same disgust and regret that Jolinar did)...I'm sorry. Look, Bynarr's the key. He may not have knowingly helped Jolinar escape, but I'm sure he knows how she did.
JACOB (suddenly): Sam?
SAM: Dad?
JACOB: Am I dreaming?
SAM: No, Dad...
JACOB: Are you crazy! (heh)
JACK: Uh...apparently. (ROTFL!!)

APOPHIS: You shall call me Nao'nak no longer. From this day forward I will reclaim my real name - Apophis.
JACK: You do understand we're not happy to see you alive and well.
APOPHIS: Your insolence is amusing to my ears, O'Neill. When I first saw you on Ne'tu, I knew you would be my path out of damnation. I will use you to reclaim my rightful place of power.
DANIEL: Your mate Amaunet is dead. (aw SNAP!!) Sorry to ruin your day. No actually I'm wrong about that...I'm not sorry.
APOPHIS: Sokar sent word to me about Amaunet's death. I did not believe him.
DANIEL: Well believe it. It's true.
APOPHIS: Then it must also be true that Teal'c is the murderer.
JACK: Oh wouldn't that wrap things up in a nice little package for you. (LOL!)

APOPHIS: Bynarr...lord of the dead. I have killed him. You fear that Sokar will come down upon us...but he cannot make our existence any worse.
DENIZEN: He can come here by ship...and wipe us out from space!
APOPHIS: I can deliver us from this place! All those who follow me shall be led to freedom! To a world where I - the true God! - will rule over all that which was once shared by the Goa'uld! Yes...Sokar will come. I say let him come! (clever little bastard, ain't he?)

JACOB: Sam? Are you almost ready?
SAM: I can't talk.
JACOB: Sam, you haven't said two words to me since the accident. You blame me...I blame myself.
SAM: You should. Your work has always been more important to you than us.
JACOB: That's not true. I don't want you to forgive me, I'm not looking for excuses, I just want you to understand.
SAM: You were supposed to pick Mom were late...she took a cab...there was an accident. I understand perfectly.
JACOB: I couldn't have known what would happen.
SAM: And now she's dead.
JACOB: I can't change that, Sam. All I can do is make sure we make the best of the time we have left. Don't forgive me...just tell me one day we're gonna be OK. Without you and your brother my life is over - nothing else matters more to me. (a flash of Ne'tu)
SAM: She blames you.
JACOB: Just tell me one day we're gonna be OK (another flash).
SAM: No. (another flash) I forgave you long ago. Why am I stuck in this...the same memory over and over again. I suppose if we'd never had this conversation, we wouldn't be in this mess. I would have gone on hating you and the military...I never would have joined the Stargate program. You would have died of cancer.
JACOB: Sam, I am dying.
SAM: (flash) What?
JACOB: I'm dying right now. Only you can save me. Just tell me what I need to know. Tell me how to get home.
SAM: Wait, what?
JACOB: Tell me how to get home. To Earth.
SAM: No...this isn't right.
JACOB: You'll lose me forever if you don't tell me the iris code...tell me the iris code!
SAM: This is not right!
JACOB: Tell me.
SAM: NO!! (really cool fade happened here too from dream world to Apophis)

JACOB: Sam...
SAM:'re gonna be OK...
JACOB: I think we have to face the situation...
SAM: Don't say that...
JACOB: I don't think I'm gonna make it.
SAM: No! That is unacceptable. Think about seeing your grandchildren again. Don't make me have to explain this to them.

JACK: Charlie! Sorry I'm late...I stopped at the store to get you something! You in here?
CHARLIE: You're dead! (flash to memory of a gunshot from inside the house...Charlie's death) You're dead!
JACK: Where'd you get that?
CHARLIE: Billy Thompson gave it to me. It's just a water gun.
JACK: That doesn't matter.
CHARLIE: You have a gun (echoes ensue)
JACK: That's different.
JACK: Charlie, listen up...(Charlie turns and runs toward the house)...Charlie! Wait a second. I got you something! (he produces a baseball and glove) Come on...let's have a catch.
CHARLIE: That's not what happened. You're changing everything just to make it better.
JACK: I know.
CHARLIE: What really happened is that you got mad at me and I ran inside the house. Two weeks later, I shot myself with your gun (echoes)...your gun! You never played catch with me and you never will.
JACK: Why? Why can't we just have a catch?
CHARLIE: I'll play (flash)...if you tell me (echoes and another flash).
JACK: What? I'll tell you anything.
CHARLIE: Tell me how you made contact with the Asgard.
JACK: What?
CHARLIE: You represented the humans in a negotiation with the Asgard and the Goa'uld System Lords.
JACK: How did you know that?
CHARLIE: It's can tell me. Tell me the address of the Asgard home world.
JACK: I don't know it!
CHARLIE: Tell me the address of the planet where you had the repository of the Ancients downloaded into your brain. That was cool, wasn't it?
JACK: You can't know that.
CHARLIE: Tell me...(flash)
JACK: This isn't real.
CHARLIE: Sure it is. Come on...tell me. We'll have a catch, just like you wanted. Just tell me.
JACK: No. No.

JACK: They put that memory thing on me...then they gave me something...that reminded me of the seventies. (BWAHAHAHAA!!!)
DANIEL: The blood of Sokar.
JACK: Daniel...
JACK: I'm gonna pass out again. (LOL)

APOPHIS: Jolinar was your mate. (he brings Carter in and sits her down at staff-point) Tell me the location of the Tok'ra resistance or she dies.
SAM: I'm not's Sam Carter! Don't tell him anything.
MARTOUF: (seeing Jolinar) My love...
APOPHIS: Tell me now. (his first prime arms the staff weapon)
SAM: Martouf, you can't.
MARTOUF: I can't let them kill you...
SAM: No,!
MARTOUF: Antek. The Tok'ra resistance is based on the moon Antek.

MARTOUF: I knew it was you.
SAM: You shouldn't have done it, Martouf.
MARTOUF: I could not watch them kill you, Sam.
SAM: You lied! (yep...LOL)

DANIEL: Kaxuf sent me some of Sha're's things after the funeral. We drank from this cup at our wedding. I know I shouldn't have had any real hope...
JACK: should never give up hope.
DANIEL: What about now?
JACK: Especially not now. Sha're didn't want you to just give up, did she? I believe she wanted you to find the boy (echoes).
DANIEL: I thought you said you didn't believe me about Sha're sending me a message through the hand device.
JACK: I've been wrong about a lot of things...and I know I don't always sound like I believe you, but I do believe in you. What'd she call him?
DANIEL: Harcesis.
JACK: Kid has all the knowledge of his father, right? So, he could be the key to us finally kicking those slimy snake-heads out of the galaxy.
DANIEL: Yeah, that's uh...that's what Sha're said.
JACK: So all we have to do is figure out where Amaunet sent him. The name?
JACK: The name of the place Amaunet sent the boy?
JACK: What?
DANIEL: No, I'm not telling you.
JACK: Oh come on, you know me. I just can't remember. Where'd she send him?
DANIEL: No!! This is not real.

TEAL'C: We have escaped.
JACK: Iced tea...air conditioning...water. (LOL)
TOK'RA: I'm sorry I doubted you.
TEAL'C: I am as surprised as you that we are alive. (LOL!)

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