Thursday, July 1, 2010

Classics: DS9 3:26 - The Adversary

Overall: 7.5

This is a solid set-up for storylines to come, though it is a little lacking in élan.

Plot Synopsis:

A good summary can be found at Memory Alpha here.

Writing: 8.0

After the two comedies I was assigned to review this week, this episode feels like a bit of a let down. The dialogue here is solid and workable, but it doesn't really sparkle with highlight-worthy wit.

That's not to say that this script isn't good, though. What I particularly like is the paranoia-inducing concept of Changeling infiltration. This idea's potential certainly becomes apparent during the standoff between Kira and the Bolian officer and the subsequent blood testing scene, though I think the Changelings' unique talents are put to even better use down the road.

And that brings me to an important overall observation about this episode: here, the writers are consciously planning for the long term. In the third season's special features, Ira Steven Behr cites this episode as the point when the core writers finally bit the bullet and acknowledged the show was becoming a serial. (Of course, SABR Matt and I saw serialization coming far earlier than that. Generally speaking, guys, anthologies don't have season-launching three-parters. I'm just saying.) The consequence? Not only do the writers lay the groundwork for the behind-the-scenes machinations that will dominate the Dominion War arc up until the Federation and the Dominion finally start shooting at each other, but they also set up the side plots. For example, note the curious role Eddington plays in this episode; the writers knew that Eddington would turn out to be a threat at some point, so they deliberately cast him as the "red herring" in this story. (So says Memory Alpha, at any rate.) As a Babylon 5 fan, I find this kind of forward-thinking very appealing.

Acting: 7.5

The acting in this episode - like the dialogue - is decent, but not especially memorable. When the credits started to roll, I couldn't think of a single moment that really stood out as either terrific or terrible. The performances were just there.

Message: 7.0

My first instinct was to write, "Eh. Action episode. Not much of a message here." But then I stumbled across this quote from Ron Moore (thanks, again, to Memory Alpha):

"[The Adversary] really appealed to me on this sort of visceral John Wayne level. There's a monster on the ship, it's after us, and we're gonna hunt it down and kill it. We're not gonna negotiate with it, we're not gonna worry about whether it's sentient, we're not gonna play any of the usual Star Trek games with it. It's just, 'Find and kill the monster.' There was something very pure about that show."

As you might imagine, that made me rethink my original score, because yes, this episode is entirely free of self-consciousness and hand-wringing - and yes, I too find that refreshing.


KIRA: Now that you have another pip on your collar, does that mean I can't disagree with you anymore?
SISKO: No. It just means I'm never wrong.
KIRA: (laughing) We'll see about that. (LOL!)

EDDINGTON: You know, this'd be a lot easier if we knew where he was hiding. Where would you be if you were him?
ODO: I wouldn't know. I'm not him.
EDDINGTON: He is one of your people. Can't you put yourself in his position, try to anticipate his next move?
ODO: I've thought about it, but the truth is I don't understand my people all that well.
EDDINGTON: That's too bad.
ODO: Yes, it is.
EDDINGTON: For all of us.

BOLIAN: The changeling! He's right over there!
(Kira walks round the corner.)
KIRA: Put your phaser down! It's me, Kira! (To Sisko) We were on our way to meet you, and we got separated for a second. The next thing I know, he opens fire.
BOLIAN: You can't fool me! You're the changeling! I saw you come out of that hatch and go around the corner!
KIRA: I didn't see anyone! Maybe he morphed into the ventilation system! (A beat as Kira reconsiders) Or maybe he didn't. For all we know, you may be the changeling!
BOLIAN: Keep back!
SISKO: Both of you put your weapons down now!
BOLIAN: I can't do that, Captain!
KIRA: You heard him!
(Odo disarms the Bolian and hits him.)
EDDINGTON: (comes in behind Kira) What happened?
SISKO: How long have the two of you been apart?
ODO: At least a minute.
SISKO: Then we've got a problem. Any of us could be the changeling. You, Kira, Eddington, even me.

ODO: Captain, there's something you need to know. The changeling, before he died, he whispered something to me.
SISKO: Go on.
ODO: He said, 'You're too late. We are everywhere.' (Meeeeeep!)

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