Monday, May 3, 2010

Classics: BtVS 2:17 - Passion

Overall Rating: 9.8

Once again, the script is filled with modern poetry (as opposed to the literary heft of a DS9 feature or the approachable pathos and comedy of an SG1 feature) as Joss Whedon and his team break out their A-game and make use of every emotion in the spectrum to set us up for one of the most painful moments in Buffy canon history. We don't even really see it coming, which is rather remarkable. Not only does this episode toy with the viewer's emotions, but it features some of the deepest and most spectacular acting performances you will ever see highlighted at this blog...up and down the cast and in every scene, the characters explode from the screen. Very high impact stuff indeed.

Plot Synopsis:

Throughout the episode, we see perspective work done from Angel's point of view, and the first scene sets the tone. Angel describes how driven he is by his passion as he observes Buffy dancing with her friends at the Bronze and watches her get ready for bed. When she is asleep, he sneaks into her room and watches over her, leaving a charcoal drawing of her in repose on her pillow as evidence of his presence. Understandably wigged, Buffy reports the events to Giles and insists that he find some way to "un-invite" Angel so she can sleep in peace. Giles scours his books but comes up empty so he speaks to Jenny, who hands him an old Gypsy volume containing the appropriate incantation. She tries to convey how sorry she is, once again, for lying to Giles about her presence in Sunnydale and for the part her people played in the loss of Angel's soul. Giles tells her to make things right for Buffy, not for him. Jenny resolves (mentally) to find a way to restore Angel's soul. She goes to a magic shop in town and asks for an 'Orb of Thesela.' The shopkeeper warns her that the orb is useless without the texts meant to translate the rituals of conjuring. Jenny claims she's got a computer program that can translate it based on a random sampling of the language from the scriptures.

That night, Buffy talks to her mother and warns her that Angel - who she admits to dating, but not to sleeping with, is sort of stalking her. She asks that Joyce not invite him in if he comes calling. Later, Angel makes an appearance in Willow's room, leaving her an envelop containing her tropical fish strung together on a necklace. The girls sleep together (with weapons), and the next day, they return to school whereupon Giles informs them that he's got the spell they need. Buffy encounters Jenny on her way in to school and encourages her to continue to feel like crap for what she did, but also to try to make up with Giles. At the end of the school day, Giles finds Jenny working late and she says she might have some big news but wants to be sure, before she gets anyone's hopes up. She also informs Giles about her conversation with Buffy and Giles agrees to see Jenny at his place later that night.

Unfortunately, Drusilla senses a disturbance in the force and quickly tracks down the shopkeeper from the magic shop. After enjoying a tasty snack and scooping intel on Ms. Calendar, she sicks Angel on his "enemy" and Angel destroys Jenny's computer, the printout of the ritual restoration...and Jenny herself (after a long and suspenseful chase). The hammer falls...the news spreads of Jenny's death and all of the slayerettes (and Giles, who enters his home and discovers her left there for him to find in a painfully artistic setting that could only be cooked up by a pure evil passion) are crushed. Buffy, knowing Giles all too well, realizes that he is likely to go charging off to the factory (and finding his weapons missing, assumes that's where he is) to exact vengeance. Of course, he's no match for Angel. He's about to die as well when Buffy screams in to his rescue and a fracas ensues. She is able to pry him from the burning factory and knock some sense into him (literally).

At Jenny's grave, Giles mourns her passing with an eerie calm...the center of his world - his passion - has been stripped away. Heartbroken for him, Buffy apologizes for not having killed Angel when she had the chance. She swears that now she is ready to do what must be done. Willow is sent in to teach Ms. Calendar's class for the rest of the school year and unwittingly knocks the diskette with the soul-restoring spell off the desk and into a crack where it will go missing for another month plus. Angel captions many of the most important moments throughout the show with comments about the role of passion in all of his twisted plans for the Slayer (whom he still clearly longs for in a demonic sort of way), but the episode ends with Buffy speaking about passion and its role in her quest to kill Angel.

SABR Matt's Ratings:

Writing: 10.0

Joss and most of his fellow writers are the masters of one thing above all others (not that they don't have other skills, but this is clearly their best feature as a writing staff) - delivering a bone-crunching, soul-sucking hammer-blow to the gut with maximum effectiveness. It is almost cruel the way Ty King (who we have to wonder why he didn't write more Buffy scripts) takes great pains to remind the audience how much they loved Giles and Jenny much that couple sparked with chemistry before the unfortunate events of "Surprise/Innocence." The first 2/3 of the episode has the viewer hoping against hope that those two crazy kids will get back together as Jenny seeks proper contrition and penance by fixing the mistakes of her people and restoring Angel's soul. Later BtVS episodes featuring what will be come Joss's trademark rule - "Happiness is strictly forbidden in the Buffyverse" - won't be able to surprise us the way this first real taste of pain does. Oh the pain he inflicts as he drags out Jenny's death to a full 4:29 of terrifying battle and chase, complete with vampire quips and a stunning ending that leaves one's jaw on the floor. It's just not fair.

And then he goes that one step further and taunts Giles with her artfully displayed corpse. Just awesome (not fun...but awesome). And then he allows Giles to kick some Angel booty for a minute or so, because he knows the audience wants to roar "GO GILES!!" even though it's a mismatch. It's too bad Giles' first shot with the crossbow missed.

Beyond King's perfect sense of emotional and thematic timing, there is his perfect characterization. I think King understands Angel better than any of the other writers! This might be the first (and ONLY!) Angel-centered episode that really pulls me into his character (good or bad). Everyone, from Cordelia to Drusilla, Giles to Jenny, reacts to events EXACTLY as they should. I particularly love that Buffy - still angry at Jenny for what she did - wants Giles to be happy enough to give Jenny the green light to pursue him (and by extension, gives Giles the green light to forgive her). Giles' irrational fit of vengeful rage is also completely believable even within his usually stuffy and level-headed persona.

Acting: 10.0+ with a BULLET

Tony Head...the master of his facial expression as he comes up the stairs expecting to find Jenny waiting for him in a romantic pose and instead finds her lifeless body staged to torment him. I will never...ever...forget it.

Kristine Sutherland...PERFECT in her big "sex talk" scene with Buffy and even more impressive in her confrontation with Angel. The look on her face when the truth about Buffy and Angel was revealed - I think a lot of mothers can relate to that. Her fear reached through the screen and grabbed you by the throat. Seriously.

Sarah Michelle a very talented cast, she is sometimes the weakest link IMHO. That's not to say I dislike her as an actress, but when SMG is on her game, the episode is almost guaranteed to blow the top off the rating spectrum, because she's usually the one to watch out for if you're looking for reasons to downgrade the acting, just because she's surrounded by phenomenal character actors like Alyson Hannigan, Tony Head, etc. This week, she was definitely on her game. She had a lot of hefty material to work with and I never felt like she missed a high note.

Message: 10.0

I just came from a sermon on true love (not speaking exclusively in a romantic context - talking about love in all its forms as expressed by Jesus during his life and through his death)'s kind of amazing how every week, I come home from Church and watch something for this blog and immediately see that theme exemplified. I guess that means I'm choosing my entertainment well. This episode features FOUR examples of true love juxtaposed against the passion of an evil man in all its sickening glory.

1) Buffy, knowing that it will cause her great pain to interact with Jenny, nonetheless loves Giles enough to want what's best for him and recognizes that Jenny might be "the one" to fulfill Giles. A completely selfless act that will bring her discomfort in the short term done solely to make another person's life better.

2) After confessing her love for Giles, Jenny asks for nothing but the chance to end the cycle of hurt between the two of them. While Angel is out there twisting the world to suit his selfish craving to insinuate himself into Buffy's passions, Jenny goes to extraordinary lengths to right a wrong without any expectation of personal gains. She dies for her efforts, but her legacy will eventually bring justice, rather than vengeance, to the world and restore Angel's soul.

3) Joyce claws like a woman possessed through a brick wall of secrecy and confusion in a desperate attempt to reach her daughter and remind her that everything she says and does is for her. The mother/daughter bond has always been a strength in BtVS, and in this episode it's on display once again.

4) Buffy, once again demonstrating how much she loves Giles (like a father), after seeing what her previous passions have wrought (the death of Giles' beloved), vows that she is now ready to kill the man she loves to protect her friends and family.

That is love.

All of Angel's speechifying on the nature of passion and the role it plays in his evil and demented decisions...that is still passion, but we are made to see the difference between selfish passion and God's love. Joss and his co-writers don't realize this, but that's what they're actually echoing.

Stephanie S's Ratings:

Once again, SABR Matt has pretty much covered all the bases, so again, my own comments will be brief.

Writing: 10.0

As a young(ish) woman, I have had a certain nightmare many times - the sort of anxiety dream that I suspect (though my brother can certainly correct me if I'm wrong) is unique to the fair half of our species. In said nightmare, I'm home alone and getting undressed for bed when, by chance, I happen to take a glance at the window. Outside, I see a creepy looking man staring at me through the blinds. Naturally, I try to scream, but my voice catches in my throat. No one hears. No one comes to my aid.

Passion does all the things that SABR Matt has already mentioned, but it also - repeatedly - taps into my sense of vulnerability as a woman. In my opinion, the most frightening element of this episode is not Angelus' murder and "display" of Jenny - though that is every bit as emotionally devastating as my co-author says it is - but the way in which Angelus secretly invades the Summers and Rosenberg homes and violates the girls' privacy, making them the unaware victims of his predatory fun. When I see Angelus on the other side of Buffy's window at the start of this episode, my above-described nightmare immediately comes to mind -- and at once, I feel that primal female terror of being objectified and misused. Thus, for me, this episode works spectacularly well not only as an emotional sucker-punch but also as a horror piece.    

Acting: 9.0

I'm not particularly impressed with David Boreanaz' voice-over work here. I don't feel that Boreanaz delivers King's poetry with quite the artistry required. But this is the only semi-weak spot in what is otherwise a superbly performed episode.

Message: 10.0

I haven't a thing to add on the theme. SABR Matt's commentary echoes my own thoughts perfectly.


BUFFY: Giles, there has to be some sort of spell to reverse the invitation, right? You a barrier - no shoes no shirt no pulse kind of thing?
GILES: Yes, well, I can check all my references...
XANDER: Hello! (points to the library door) Don't you guys knock before coming into a room?
JONATHAN: I'm supposed to get some books...for art history?
XANDER: Does this look like a Barnes and Noble to you?
GILES: Xander, this is the school library.
XANDER: Since when? (ROTFL!)

GILES: It's classic battle strategy, Buffy. He's trying to prove he can get to you whenever he wants - to throw you off your game! By taunting you in this way, Angel is trying to provoke you...goad you into some mishap of his choosing.
XANDER: The "nah-nah nah-nah nah...nah..." approach to battle?
GILES: Yes, Xander; once again, you've managed to reduce a complex thought to its simplest form.
BUFFY: Giles...when you were researching Drusilla, you said that one of the first things Angel did before he turned her was to kill her family?
XANDER: Oh God, your Mom!
BUFFY: Exactly. Giles, I have to tell her something. The truth?
GILES: No. You can't.
XANDER: Yeah, the more people that know the secret, the more it cheapens it for the rest of us! (LOL)
BUFFY: Well what do you want me do, Giles? Angel has an all-access pass to my house and I'm not always there when my mother is.
GILES: I know how hard this is for you...(Buffy glares angrily back)...alright, I don't. But the point is, as the Slayer, you cannot afford to be ruled by your passions - you can't let Angel get to you like this.
BUFFY: That's easy for you to don't have Angel lurking in your room at night.
GILES: Be that as it may, the best approach is to wait him out. You cannot react, no matter how provocative his behavior becomes.
BUFFY: So basically, you're saying I should ignore him and hope he goes away?
GILES: (pause) Yes...precisely.
XANDER: Hey, how come she doesn't get a snotty "once again you've reduced my clever thought to its simplest form" thing? Watcher's pet. (ROTFL!)

JENNY: Willow, can I talk to you for a sec? (Willow comes over to the desk) I might be a little late to class tomorrow; I was wondering if you'd be willing to cover for me?
WILLOW: Really? Me? Teach class? Sure! Oh wait...what if they don't recognize my authority? What if they try to convince me that you always let them leave early? What if there's a fire drill? What if there's a fire?!
JENNY:'ll be fine. Besides, I'll try not to be too late.
WILLOW: Yeah, OK...earlier is better. (smiling cutely) Will I have the power to hand out detentions or make 'em run laps? (LOL!! I love Willow so very...very much...:D )

JENNY: Ruppert...I know you feel betrayed...
GILES: Yes, well...that's one of the unpleasant side effects of betrayal. (OWWWCH!)
JENNY: Ruppert...I was raised by the people who Angel hurt the most. My duty to them was the first thing I was ever taught. I didn't come here to hurt anyone...and I lied to you because I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn't know what was going to happen. I didn't expect to fall in love with you. (cue touching romantic piano chords) Oh it too late to take that back?
GILES: Do you want to?
JENNY: I just want to be right with you. I don't expect anything more. I just make it up to you.
GILES: Well that's very nice, Jenny...but I'm not the one you need to make it up to. (YOW! Go Giles, Go! Go Giles, Go!)

BUFFY: (Stops Jenny with a hand) Hey.
JENNY: Hey. Is there...something I can...
BUFFY: Look...I know you feel badly about what happened. And I just wanted to say...(beat)...good. Keep it up. (MEOW!)
JENNY: Don't worry, I will. (makes to leave)
BUFFY: Wait. He misses you. He never says anything about it to me but I know he does. A-a-and...I don't want him to be lonely. I don't want anyone to.
JENNY: Buffy, you know if there's any way I can...
BUFFY: We're good here. Let's just leave it. (this is so incredibly well's all building to the absolutely GUT-CRUSHING finale in perfect, organic harmony!)

GILES: I wanted you to know that I found a spell that will reverse a vampire invitation.
CORDELIA: Oh thank goodness! I actually had to talk my grandmother into switching cars with me last night! (BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Ah, Cordelia...)

ANGELUS: Mrs. Summers, I have to talk to you.
JOYCE: You're Angel.
ANGELUS: (smiling) Did Buffy tell you about us?
JOYCE: She told me she wants you to leave her alone.
ANGELUS: I can't do that, Joyce. I need your help. You have to talk to her for me.
JOYCE: I'm telling you to leave Buffy alone, understand?
ANGELUS: You don't understand, Joyce...I have to be with her. You can talk to her...convince her to give me a chance.
JOYCE: Look, I just want to get inside (starting to get scared), just leave us alone (out of fear she drops her bag of groceries and Angelus helps her pick them up).
ANGELUS: I don't think you realize...I'll die without Buffy...and she'll die without me. I need her!
JOYCE: That's it...I'm calling the police now (fumbles with her keys in obvious panic - Angelus creepily looms over her neck for a moment before whispering into her ear).
ANGELUS: I haven't been able to sleep since the night we made love. (Joyce looks shocked...the door opens behind her and Willow and Buffy are just completing the lock-out spell)
WILLOW: (latin phrase)
BUFFY: Sorry Angel...changed the locks (she slams the door in his face).

JOYCE: Was he the first? No wait...don't tell me...I don't want to know. At least I don't think I do.
BUFFY: Yeah. He was the first...I mean he was the only...
JOYCE: He's older than you.
BUFFY: I know.
JOYCE: Too old for you, Buffy. And he's obviously not very stable. Oh Buffy, I wish...I just thought you'd show better judgment than that.
BUFFY: He wasn't like this before. He's changed.
JOYCE: Were you careful?
BUFFY: Mom, this isn't the time for...
JOYCE: Don't tell me what time it is, Buffy! You had sex with a man you didn't even see fit to tell me you were dating!
BUFFY: I made a mistake.
JOYCE: Well don't tell me that just to shut me up, because I think you really did here.
BUFFY: I know. I can't tell you everything...
JOYCE: Well how about something. Buffy, don't expect me to stop caring about you because it's never going to happen. I love you more than anything in the world and I always will. (beat) This would be your cue to tell me I'm grossing you out.
BUFFY: You're not.
JOYCE: Oh wow...I guess that was the talk.
BUFFY: How'd it go?
JOYCE: I don't was my first.

ANGELUS (voiceover): Passion is the source of our power. It flows through all of us. It fuels the highest moments of our lives - the exhilaration of love, the fire of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. (I highlight this line, not only because it does a wonderful job calling attention to exactly how passion can be twisted into evil, but because it's so poetic in its use of language that it has to be stated again)

XANDER: Looks like Giles had a big night planned.
BUFFY: Giles didn't set this up. Angel did. (hands Xander the page with Angel's charcoal drawing of the dead Ms. Calendar) This is the wrapping on his gift.
XANDER: Oh man...poor Giles...
WILLOW: Look, all of his weapons are gone.
CORDELIA: But I thought Giles kept his weapons at the library.
XANDER: No, those are his everyday weapons. These were his good weapons...the ones he breaks out when company comes over. (Buffy emerges from upstairs) So he's not here?
CORDELIA: Where would he have gone?
BUFFY: He'll go wherever Angel is.
XANDER: That's the factory right?
WILLOW: He's going to try to kill Angel.
XANDER: Well it's about time someone tried. (ooh...)
BUFFY: Xander...
XANDER: Look, let's not forget that I hated Angel long before anyone else did, so I think I deserve a little credit for not saying 'ha ha, I told you so' sooner. And besides...if Giles wants to go kill the fiend...that killed his girlfriend, I say faster pussycat, kill! Kill!
BUFFY: You're right.
XANDER: Thank you.
BUFFY: There's only one problem with Giles in a revenge scenario.
WILLOW: It's going to get him killed.

GILES: Why did you come here? This is not your fight! (Buffy punches him in the jaw to stop his rage)
BUFFY: Are you trying to get yourself killed? (she collapses next to him and hugs him, bursting into tears) Giles, you can't leave me! I can't do this alone!

GILES: In all my years as a watcher, I've buried many people. Jenny was the first one I really loved.
BUFFY: I'm sorry...(starts to get choked up)...that I couldn't kill him for you...for her...when I had the chance. I wasn't ready. But now...I think I finally am.

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