Monday, June 28, 2010

Classics: BtVS 3:2 - Dead Man's Party

Overall Rating: 9.3

Awk-waaaaard! (and I'm very glad this was the theme of this episode...when you run away from home for three months after getting expelled from school, telling your Mom you hunt demons at night, and getting chased out of town by should be awkward when you come least if you want your story to be believable) The good news is...when Buffy chooses to do a zombie's not about the zombies. That old plot has been done way too may times.

Plot Synopsis:

A good summary can be found here thanks to

SABR Matt's Comments:

Writing: 9.5

This script is very strong on characterization and snappy dialogue. It was very important to people watching BtVS to see the emotional fallout from 2nd season for the rest of the cast. Marti Noxon is among the franchise's best character writers and clearly understands psychology very well based on her ability to craft such a believable tense stasis/argument/resolution between Buffy and the slayerettes. We get to see the very realistic "confrontation avoidance" phase where the gang throws a huge party to cover for their feelings of anger and try to do what they know Buffy needs - welcome her back even though she hurt them deeply. We then get to see the big necessary blowout when Buffy, after feeling like no one wants her around, tries to run away again (a very believable thing for her to do under these circumstances). And finally, after Buffy slays her metaphorical zombies in the closet (and the real zombie demon, of course), we see her friends come to a better understanding of her troubles and we see Buffy take on her old responsibilities as Willow's confidante and best friend. The slayer plot (zombie mask!) isn't all that original (except as it relates to how they managed to use the zombie idea metaphorically), but it is full of entertainment value and leaves room for a lot of insightful conversation.

Acting: 8.5

Sadly, SMG has returned to being a bit of a weak link dramatically. Her tears and hyperventilation during the long blowout argument sequence felt forced...I'm not convinced she really had her motivation pegged correctly here. On the other hand, Tony Head's reaction to Buffy's return was just PERFECT...when he goes to fetch the tea and very Britishly (heh) fights back his tears of relief, I almost got choked up with him! Alyson Hannigan's heartbreaking pain comes through beautifully as well. Buffy really did need to see how much her friends depended on her and how badly she hurt them, and so did the audience watching the show. Very nicely done by almost all involved.

Message: 10.0

While all of us should be able to understand Buffy's reaction to the events of second season, it takes a deeply mature and humane group of writers to force us to see how wrong that reaction was anyway, and then to show us the strength of character to forgive her for her mistakes and to rally around her with new-found insight and closeness. Some would say the reconciliation between Buffy and her friends and family was quite Christian. :) Buffy's moral education is one of this show's greatest she learns how deeply her actions affect the people closest to her and is made to realize the harm she does when she thinks only of her own needs. But at the same time, she is welcomed home with open arms and forgiveness once she has made amends for her transgressions and faced the honest reactions of her friends and mother. She learns through positive reinforcement that facing her problems WITH her friends and with an open heart is the better approach (rather than running away and trying to hide from God).

Stephanie S.'s Quick Addendum (added Monday @ 9PM):

SABR Matt's comments pretty much reflect my own thoughts, so my contribution here will be brief. I think the zombie metaphor is a touch on the nose, but that in no way detracts from this episode's pitch perfect characterization. What particularly stands out for me is the way the adults are handled. Joyce's awkward attempts to come to terms with her daughter's calling are very well done, and Giles' scenes are equally terrific. Not only do we have that wonderful, wonderful dialogue-free moment in which Giles privately allows himself to feel the emotions associated with Buffy's return, but we also have that very satisfying scene at the end in which Giles releases his inner Ripper and roughs up Principal Snyder on Buffy's behalf. I think I'm falling back in love with the relationship between Buffy and Giles.

Astonishingly enough, many in fandom seem to have a vendetta against Marti Noxon, but I believe SABR Matt is right: I believe she is responsible for many of the series' finest moments -- and this episode, excellent as it is, only hints at the depth of her talent.


JOYCE: Do you like it, it's Nigerian. I just got a very exciting shipment in at the gallery. I thought I'd hang a few pieces here...liven up the room a bit?
BUFFY: It's angry at the room, Mom. It wants the room to suffer. (LOL!!)
JOYCE: You have no appreciation for primitive art. Are you going out?
BUFFY: Well...if it's OK...I'd like to find Willow and Xander.
JOYCE: Will you be slaying?
BUFFY: Only if they give me lip. (heh)

XANDER: So where were you, Buffy? Did you go to Belgium?
BUFFY: Why would I go to Belgium?
XANDER: I think the most pertinent question is...why wouldn't you go to Belgium. Bel-yum!

SNYDER: Absolutely not. Under no circumstances.
JOYCE: But you can't keep Buffy out of don't have the right.
SNYDER: I have not only the right, but a nearly physical sensation of pleasure at the thought of keeping her out of school. I'd describe myself as tingly.
JOYCE: Buffy was cleared of all those charges.
SNYDER: Yes - and while she may live up to the 'not a murderer' requirement for enrollment at Sunnydale, she's still a troublemaker. Destructive to school property and the occasional student. And her grade point average is enough to...I'm sorry...another tingle moment.
JOYCE: I don't understand how you can be so cavalier about this young woman's future!
SNYDER: I'm sure a woman of Ms. Summers' unique talents will land on her feet. In fact, as I was coming in to work this morning, I noticed that hot dog on a stick is hiring. You'd look so cute in that little red hat.
BUFFY: Let's go, Mom.
JOYCE: This isn't over. If I have to, I'll go all the way to the Mayor.
SNYDER: Wouldn't that be interesting. (I love this whole scene)

JOYCE: As for private schools, Ms. Porter's accepts late admissions. I wrote down their information for you.
BUFFY: A girl's school? Now it's kilts, knee socks and no boys? Care to throw in some foot binding?
JOYCE: made some bad choices. You might just have to live with some consequences. (good for you, Joyce)

CORDELIA: I'm the dip!
XANDER: You gotta admire the purity of it. (LOL)
CORDELIA: What? Onion dip! Starring not specialty.
OZ: We should figure out what kind of deal this is. Is it a gathering, a shindig or a hootenanny?
CORDELIA: What's the difference again?
OZ: Well a gathering is brie, mellow song stylings and quiet conversation; a shindig...that would be chips and dip, less mellow songs; now a hootenanny...chock full of hoot and a just a little bit of nanny.
XANDER: Well I hate brie.
CORDELIA: So do I. It smells like Giles' cat.
GILES: It's not my cat! (LOL)

XANDER: Hey Buff...
XANDER: What're you doin'?
BUFFY: Just taking a break from all this wacky fun. (sarcasm thick)
XANDER: Some kinda party, hm? Guess a lot of people are glad you're back.
BUFFY: Seems like people I didn't even know missed me. Did Giles say he was gonna be late?
XANDER: He was library man last time I saw him. He'll be here, though, don't worry. He wants to celebrate you coming home! We all do. (Cordelia is kissing him while he talks) Right?
CORDELIA: Oh...totally! were kind of turning me on with that whole boy slayer look.
XANDER: Was I now?!
CORDELIA: You bet, nighthawk! (Buffy watches them kiss again and seems hurt by the lack of interest in her)
BUFFY: I'll just be...oh...kay...

RANDOM GUEST: Hey what's the deal with this party anyway.
RANDOM GUEST #2: This party? Heard it was for some chick that just got out of rehab. (Buffy overhears this and looks deeply hurt...she wanders into the kitchen where she overhears another gut-punching dialogue)
PAT: So how are you holding up, Joyce...really.
JOYCE: I don't know, Pat. When Buffy was gone all I could think about was getting her home. I thought if I could just put my arms around her and tell her how much I loved her, that things would be OK. that she's home...I guess I thought I could make everything OK again, but having her some ways it's almost worse (Buffy flees to begin packing to run away again).

WILLOW: Are you leaving again? What you just stopped by for your lint brush and now you're ready to take off?
BUFFY: I don't think anyone will miss me.
WILLOW: Oh no, you're right. Thanks for stopping by...don't forget to not write!
BUFFY: Why are you attacking me? I'm trying...
WILLOW: Oh wow...and it looks so much like you're quitting again.
BUFFY: You guys were doing just fine without me.
WILLOW: We were doing the best we's not like we had much choice!
BUFFY: Look, I'm sorry that I had to leave. You don't know what I was going through.
WILLOW: I'd like to.
BUFFY: You...wouldn't understand.
WILLOW: Well maybe I don't need to understand...maybe I just need someone to talk to.
BUFFY: How could I talk to you when you were busy avoiding me?
WILLOW: Buffy, this isn't easy! I know you're going through too!
BUFFY: I know you were worried about me...
WILLOW: No, I'm not talking about that. I mean...I have things going on too...I'm dating...I'm having serious dating!...with a werewolf!...and I'm studying witchcraft and slaying vampires! And I didn't have anyone to talk to...about all this scary life stuff! And you were my best friend. (hey Buffy...guess's not all about YOU!)

GILES: Do you like my mask...isn't it pretty! It raises the dead! Americans... (LOL!!)

BUFFY: You don't know how much I missed you guys. I wanted to call...every day.
WILLOW: That doesn't matter, Buffy. That doesn't make it OK that you didn't.
JOYCE: What is this? Is this some kind of joke?
BUFFY: Mom, could you just...
JOYCE: I can't just! What is going on?
WILLOW: She was running away again.
BUFFY: No I wasn't! I'm not sure...
JOYCE: Well you'd better get sure, young lady, and explain yourself right away! Do you think you can just run off whenever you feel like it?
BUFFY: Stop it! I don't know! I don't know what I'm doing.
JOYCE: Don't you dare leave this house. You know what...that's it. You and I are gonna have a talk.
BUFFY: Mom...
JOYCE: You know what...I don't care. I don't care what your friends think of me, because you put me through the ringer, Buffy. And I've had Schnapps (LOL). You can't imagine what I went through. Months...of not knowing...not knowing whether you were face down in a ditch somewhere or...I don't it up?
BUFFY: But you told me! You were the one who said it. You said if I left I shouldn't come back. You found out who I really was and you couldn't deal, don't you remember?
JOYCE: Buffy, you didn't give me time. You dumped this thing in my lap and expected me to get it; well guess what, Mom's not perfect. I handled it badly. But that doesn't mean you had the right to punish me by running away.
BUFFY: Punish you? I didn't do this to punish you...
XANDER: Well you did. You should have seen what she was like when you were gone.
BUFFY: Great thanks! Anyone else want to weigh in? How about you by the dip?
DIP GUY: No...I'm good. (LOL)
XANDER: You know, you may not want to hear this, Buffy, but what you did was incredibly selfish and stupid.
BUFFY: OK, fine! I screwed up...I know this! But you have no idea! You don't know what happened to me or how I was feeling!
XANDER: Did you even try talking to one of us?
BUFFY: There was nothing that anyone could do, OK? I just needed to handle it on my own.
XANDER: Yeah and we all see how well that one worked out. You can't just bury stuff, Buff. It'll come right back up to get you (and the zombies continue converging).

BUFFY: As if I could have even gone to you. You made your feelings about Angel and I perfectly clear.
XANDER: You know what, Buffy? Just because I didn't like the guy doesn't mean I couldn't understand that you did.
CORDELIA: Come on, Xander. But yourself in her shoes for a minute. I'm Buffy...I'm a freak. So naturally, I pick a freak for a boyfriend. And then he turns into Mr. Killing Spree, which is pretty much...
BUFFY: ...Cordelia, get out of my shoes!
CORDELIA: I was just trying to help.
WILLOW: Buffy...
BUFFY: Willow, don't! I can't take this from you too.
XANDER: LET HER FINISH! You at least owe her that much.
BUFFY: God Xander! Can't you at least stick to annoying me on your own terms?
XANDER: Fine. You stop acting like an idiot, and I'll stop ignoring you.
BUFFY: You want to talk acting like an idiot? Nighthawk?
OZ: OK, I'm gonna step in now...being referee guy...
WILLOW: No, let 'em go, Oz. Talking about it isn't helping, we might as well try some violence. (zombies crash through the window) I was being sarcastic!! (LOL)

GILES: It's me, it's me!
CORDELIA: How do we know it's really you and not zombie Giles?
GILES: Cordelia will you stop being tiresome?
CORDELIA: It's him. (LOL)

GILES: I have an appointment. I'd like to have a word with you.
SNYDER: If that word is Buffy, I have two words for you.
GILES: You can't keep her out of school, you know.
SNYDER: I think you'll find I can. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with the Mayor.
GILES: You have no grounds for keeping her from her education.
SNYDER: My grounds are the damage she's done to these grounds...and that tingly sensation of mine. You have a problem...take it up with the city council.
GILES: I thought I'd start with the state Supreme Court. Buffy is a minor and is entitled to an education. I can make things very bad for you, professionally speaking, and Buffy will be allowed back in.
SNYDER: Sorry...I'm just not convinced. (Giles grabs Snyder by the collar and slams him against his desk)
GILES: Would you like some convincing? (AWESOME!!)

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